What are your favorite horror movies?

I thought the coolest part of The Ring was when the mom was talking about seeing the look on her daughters face when she say her in the closet & then it showed that scene.
That daughters face was all Fucked Up & Creepy looking.
But I'll admit the overall movie wasn't really scary, but I did think it was pretty good, considering I heard Soooo Much hype before actually seeing I figured it would've sucked, but I actually liked it.

But anyway...back to Scary - THE EYE.
& that's the bottom line, cuz I said so. :)
I forgot the other cool part of The Ring is when everybody thinks everything is ok and the woman is telling her son that she set the girl free and all that and the kid is like, "No! You weren't supposed to let her out!" Oh man, I was so thrilled when he said that. It's like... "No. Now she will brutally slaughter people and make this movie gory hopefully!"