What are some of your favorite films?

ElPredicador said:
I don't know what the hell is happening with LotR. The books are one of my faves, but come on, the movie sucks!!!
Elijah Wood is IMO the worst chosen actor in the history of movies. Gandalf is the half he was on the book, Merry and Pippin (specially) are HUGELY overrated, the BLack Knights are horrible, and the orcs suck. Also it is extremely "hollywood" (read ala Pearl Harbor)
But, if you leave aside the fact that it is LotR, it is pretty decent.
Anyone agrees with me?

True, the movies suck compared to the books. So much deviation from the storyline. Why the hell did they do that? I mean, I can see some stuff was for demographics, but others...I dunno. I wouldn't mind them taking stuff out to shorten the movie, that obviously has to happen, or even adding SOME things in that FOLLOW the actual plot and storyline, but not actually changing the story. That's B.S.

And, yes, Frodo is badly acted, and Merry and Pippin are overrated, but Gandalf is perfectly acted, the Black Knights are great, and the orcs are above average for sure. And the elves are great, too. Though Galadriel is a little overacted and overmystified, IMHO.
i think lotr is great. i wish everyone would stop bitching about this or that not being like the book... it's a movie, it's not the book. if you want the book, go read the book. sorry to bitch, but... anyhow, am i the only one who thinks it would be goddamn hillarious if they just took the last lotr movie and made it low budget and crappy as possible, just to let everyone down?? (then release the real, better one about a month later.... i don't want to be ripped off here). so... how bout it hollywood? By the way, if you didn't like the movie, that's fine. it's your own oppinion. i am just tired of the constant comparison.

My only beef with TTT was the changing of Faramir's character. I don't mind some scenes being changed and even re written but the change of a character like Faramir's is unforgiveable, like making Greedo shoot first :)