What are your favortie bands that ended prematurely???

Originally posted by Sapper

I think anybody that plays with Axl Rose is destined to a short career!:confused:

i aint sure about that, i got a video from him playing we will rock you with queen after freddies death :D

yeah reading that old thread again was funny ;)
Soundgarden was the first sort of metal band i got into, i think they were fucking geniouses from badmotorfinger on and wish they were still together. (in fact i almost cried when they broke up.):cry:
Soundgarden played grunge. :)

What about Crematory? Well, after 10 years it's not very soon, but they could go on with that quality that they showed. :(
For me with old Type O Negative and old Paradise Lost they are the best Gothic Metal Band ever. And the reason why they quit is typical for this shitty music industry...
The only ones that come to mind are:

Skunkworks (1 CD only, but it is classic....)
Styx (with Dennis DeYoung)
Rush (I know they are still around, but I consider them defunct after Signals....)