what are your reasons to hate Cradle of Filth ?

I bought "Cruelty And The Beast" for like 5 years ago or something and I didn't like that one really. So I decided to give them another chance and bought "Damnation And a Day" and it wasn't that bad.

They've got some cool riffs here and there, good orchestrations(huh?). But all in all it gets boring pretty fast.

But to you who wrote "I don't like them because of their image". HAHA!
I Love Cradle of Filth they are the BEst Black Metal band in the Fucking World. People who are talking shit like that is because they are not man/women enough to listen to cradle of filth instead they probably listen to slipknot or even iron maiden or something. Any ways my point on this opinion is that dont fuck with cradle of filth cuz i will talk shit to you or anyone else and you wont like it!

Dark Angel of Sins

fan boi
Soledad Sandoval said:
I Love Cradle of Filth they are the BEst Black Metal band in the Fucking World. People who are talking shit like that is because they are not man/women enough to listen to cradle of filth instead they probably listen to slipknot or even iron maiden or something. Any ways my point on this opinion is that dont fuck with cradle of filth cuz i will talk shit to you or anyone else and you wont like it!

Dark Angel of Sins
One of the biggest problems of CoF are its fans.
-Rivfader- said:
I couldn't keep a straight face during Dimmu's live performance. Clown makeup and spiked gauntlets. :lol: I hate clowns.

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