what are your reasons to hate Cradle of Filth ?

But Adrian will never get as high as Nick Barker. I don't mean that Adrian wouldn't be good drummer (definitely he is better than me), but Nick is a guru when it comes to play BM drums.
Is he? I haven't heard him playing black metal drums. In what black metal band does he play in?

Yes he is. :) Uh, I'm not sure if I got the point, but he played in CoF and quitted with them and now plays with Dimmu Borgir. And yes I know he has this "Lock Up" as a side project, but I don't know what kind of music they play.
Yes he is. Uh, I'm not sure if I got the point, but he played in CoF and quitted with them and now plays with Dimmu Borgir. And yes I know he has this "Lock Up" as a side project, but I don't know what kind of music they play.

Sooo, where's that black metal band?
Yes he is. Uh, I'm not sure if I got the point, but he played in CoF and quitted with them and now plays with Dimmu Borgir. And yes I know he has this "Lock Up" as a side project, but I don't know what kind of music they play.

Sooo, where's that black metal band?

Here are those blackmetal bands for you. You are weird, me thinks. (well, who wouldn't be?:))
What do you guys have against COF?!?!?!?!
they rule i love them dani is great
so if you don't like COF then

and p.s i love vampires accept the whole drinkin' blood thing:loco:
Cradle of Filth is a great band, you all just criticize it because it's not to your liking. Like Children of Bodom said before, "You got to listen to it a few times before you start to like it." And if you don't like it, that doesn't mean you have to make fun of them. You wouldn't like someone saying that about your band, now would you? And anyways Dani Filth probably doesn't care what you say about him, he'll just keep rockin' until eh's dead. I think the way he sings is cool, and if you don't like it, that's up to you. But please think again before you criticize someone.
Okey, I'm stupid. I now shut a fuck up. :lol:

BTW, I think nobody can deny that Dani has very unique voice. They way he uses is, that's art. :) Even if there's more of them who dislikes it than us who likes it. (damn my english is incorrect)
I dont hate CoF but they shure are anoying.......like someone said the image and concept of the band its just ridiculous (hum, vampires, blood, they must have seen just too many horror movies)....i dont like their music...too mutch dham blast beats (well its a personal taste.....i usualy dont like black metal bands)...by the way.....yes its so stupid to see people at school with their COF/Marylin manson shirts...(uuuhhh, i'm so evil \m/)...
Cradle rule... i love the melody, the keyboards work really well in their songs. the female voices and Dani's SCREAM!! it all rocks. i'm not into their image at all but i love their music, i even go as far to say that i prefer them to COB.
Bodom is the GAYEST shit i've ever heard, ever. cradle slayes them on every level. bodom is SOO fucking overrated its sickening. they have nothing on cradle, especially guitar wise, who the fuck likes such a gay fuckin guitarist. and their singer is the bigggest faggot i've ever seen. i've never heard a bodom song i liked EVER. once more, bodoms guitarist sucks, drums suck, singing sucks, cd covers suck and most of all the songs suck
Bodoms gay said:
Bodom is the GAYEST shit i've ever heard, ever. cradle slayes them on every level. bodom is SOO fucking overrated its sickening. they have nothing on cradle, especially guitar wise, who the fuck likes such a gay fuckin guitarist. and their singer is the bigggest faggot i've ever seen. i've never heard a bodom song i liked EVER. once more, bodoms guitarist sucks, drums suck, singing sucks, cd covers suck and most of all the songs suck

HAHAHAHA! Now we got some COF fanbois here too! WOOOOH! :Spin: :lol:
i like there songs i just don't like how he does that pig raping scream ( i feel big cause i can also do it but thats not the point) and dani filth was on viva la bam
Le petit lutin vert said:
hmmm.. well they are already enough popular.....not to say sold-out.

btw, i like cof but i'm very tired of seeing those cradle of filth t-shirts everywhere. Everytime i look somewhere at my school, there's a guy with a cradle of filth t-shirt.

There is nothing wrong with being popular.

Dani is annoying, he has his moments but overall he's a fart.