What are your thoughts on Torana's?


Boogies Woogies
Nov 27, 2002
MillPark, Victoria, Australia
i wanna get a Torana as my first car, once i get my L's and P's plates (hahaha im 19), which i plan on doing in the next 5 years.

the one torana i want badly is the SLR 5000 :rock: , i'd want to get one of them or the hatchback's (can't remember the model name), not really interested in the XU1's even though they rock aswell ( :rock: )

my brother in law had a GTR XU1 that was turbo charged :rock: AND he is a slight *metalhead so he played loud metal while driving it :rock:

and to end here is a picture of a Torana :rock:



*metallica, poison, extreme, warrant, ugly kid joe etc etc thats what was in his bag of music.
SLR's are the height of Aussie motor engineering. Nothing will ever compare to the toughness they hold.

cue shannow telling us about his awesome torana.
Thanks for the introduction Koichi.

(Last torana I owned was an awesome Sunbird, complete with faded green paint).

But they are awesome, awesome enough for me to have owned 7 of them. Best was my LJ 4 door with a worked 186.

When I finally get through paying liers (I mean Lawyers), and sell the 4Runner, I'm allowed to get me another Torana. Probably get a U.C. for the better suspension and 4 wheel disk brakes, and then drop a V-8 into it.
im with ya troops. Ugly pieces of shit. go get a Ford

n.p. Metallica - Dyers Eve