what are your thoughts


New Metal Member
Mar 31, 2004
i posted another topic reguarding which opeth album was best in the general music forum on accident...whats your fave opeth cd? and which should i buy first damnation or blackwater park?
Why those 2 albums? Blackwater Park is my least favourite opeth album, and Damnation isn't Opeth's real sound, or at least a true representation of there music. Get something like Morningrise or Still life, or My arms you Hearse if you can get it
Blackwater park, Just to really get a feel as to how powerful opeth really is. Then Damnation, Deliverence, My arms your hearse, Still Life, Morning Rise, Orchid.
and Lamentations. However I would by Blackwater Park First. and then the rest in no particular order.
If I listened to Blackwater Park first, then I would have probably not got into them as much as I did. BP is their most repetitive and monotonous out of all of them. It's a great album but compared to the quality of their others I just prefer the others more. Each album actually sounds quite different. If you post your taste in music, it may be easier to recommened what album to pick up first. I think at the moment Still Life is the cheapest, as well as one of their best, you will not be disapointed if you pick it up, whereas Blackwater Park may set you a few dollars more.
hmm. blackwater was my first and i still love it...
also think orchid and mornigrise would be good to begin with...
deliverance too... some great songs there, and i just love lopez's drumming.
but i say just go fucking buy them all!
and listen to each one for a few days...let them grow on you...it works.
and as for damnation, get the dvd instead. has most of it on there plus mendez's hair and power stance :-)
well i got delverance first, and i love how that cd sounds..is blackwater park more like that? i really love the heavy to soft ratio. i ended up getting damnation. just because i was in a mellow mood, and i really love it. it fucking awesome. each opeth cd i have bought kicks ass...i havent gotten into mornigrise much, but im sure ill grow to love it as much as the others. i still dont have blackwater park, still life or orchids. and the only one of those my local music store has is BWP.
There´s really NO question IMO Blackwater Park is the best cd to get into Opeth with. It´s simply because of the supreme quality and the track called "The drapery falls". This is not their best album though, just the most accesible.
Korlich said:
There´s really NO question IMO Blackwater Park is the best cd to get into Opeth with. It´s simply because of the supreme quality and the track called "The drapery falls". This is not their best album though, just the most accesible.

its the truth.... i play a random opeth song to someone and they look at me funnily... i play the drapery falls and they will rapidly become opeth fans
Profånity said:
Damnation sucks, it's far too soft.
kill yourself.... far too soft my ass, go listen to slipknot or some nu in flames.... soft is what makes opeth.. opeth... if you dont like that album you are retarded! Yeah its not their best, but i think its top 3, and i listen to it all the time.

and as for the albums you want to buy...

get them in the order they came out, its the best way!