What bands have you seen the most times live?

I was at this too!!!
My old band was supposed to play this when it was originally booked for the Riv. They were going to have a second stage for locals / smaller bands.
If you got the CD comp, we are on it.

I used to have that CD, but don't know where it is now. What was your band?

Also, who were Gren? I never heard anything about them before or since that Ramones show.
Off the top of my head bands over 3 times:

Gamma Ray - 5 times
Rhapsody - 5 times (includes 1 time as Luca Turilli's Rhapsody!!!)
Borrowed Time, BOTD, Zuul - at least 5 times each
Helloween - 4 times
High Spirits - 3 times
Stormwarrior - 3 times
Sabaton - 3 times
Iced Earth - 3 times
I used to have that CD, but don't know where it is now. What was your band?

Also, who were Gren? I never heard anything about them before or since that Ramones show.

I literally have over 100 copies of that CD comp, so if you want / need one, just let me know.

I think GREN were one of a million alterna-bands who got signed to a major and went on to do nothing.
Atheist is easily my favorite extreme metal band. Pure technical insanity while still being vicious and heavy. I think every death metal band should be forced to listen to those three Atheist records with a gun aimed at their head and some crazy-ass field marshal screaming "LISTEN TO THE FUCKIN BASSIST YOU FILTHY SONS OF WHORES!"

Steven Flynn and Roger Patterson, (not to mention Tony Choy) man. Best rhythm section in metal, period.
Is that just a commentary on their live performance, or do you also not like their albums?

Well, I have never absorbed a full album, but have heard enough to know they are not for me. I am sure they are good at what they do. Just seemed a bit too spastic and chaotic for me.

Have you guys ever heard the band uneXpect??

I feel the same about them too..
Well, I have never absorbed a full album, but have heard enough to know they are not for me. I am sure they are good at what they do. Just seemed a bit too spastic and chaotic for me.

Have you guys ever heard the band uneXpect??

I feel the same about them too..

Gotcha. I dig their albums, so they're still on my list of bands to see live.
How many times do you need to listen to a band before you determine whether they're just playing random riffs or they have some real substance? Sometimes I wonder what albums I would love if I made the effort to understand them. I'm really glad I gave At the Gates - The Red in the Sky is Ours a second chance.

Regarding Atheist, I like their first two but I wouldn't put them on a list of my favorite albums. They're not "LISTEN OR DIE!!" like Sentenced - North From Here.
whoa, you saw operation rock and roll!
You know what I remember most about that show? Being so excited to see Metal Church (even moreso than any other band on the bill) then getting stuck in traffic on the way and showing up just in time to hear them finish their last song from the entrance. :erk:
Ha, I like some offbeat stuff too (primarily VoiVod and Confessor), but yea, Athiest are complete rubbish.

Not to be an ass here, but you've said plenty of times in the past how the death metal genre in general is not something you care for or follow, which is perfectly fine. But calling a band rubbish in a genre that isn't your thing is sort of fucked up.
Not to be an ass here, but you've said plenty of times in the past how the death metal genre in general is not something you care for or follow, which is perfectly fine. But calling a band rubbish in a genre that isn't your thing is sort of fucked up.

There are PLENTY of death metal bands who I think are good at what they do and can appreciate. I have seen more than my fair share of death metal bands (honestly probably more than you have). It's not like I am unfamiliar with the genre. As I said, I just find ATHIEST to be rubbish. Just my opinion.
There are PLENTY of death metal bands who I think are good at what they do and can appreciate. I have seen more than my fair share of death metal bands (honestly probably more than you have). It's not like I am unfamiliar with the genre. As I said, I just find ATHIEST to be rubbish. Just my opinion.

I just know from past convos with you that you say you don't particularly like it. Fair enough though. I love the band, but I know very well they are an acquired taste.
I just know from past convos with you that you say you don't particularly like it. Fair enough though. I love the band, but I know very well they are an acquired taste.

There are some death metal bands I have seen / Heard that I do like.

I just find Athiest to be too all over the place for me. That's why I brought up the band uneXpect. They have some interesting elements but when combining them all it sounds like a big mess.

Sorry - Just not the band for me.