What Cab should i buy?

what cab

  • mesa 412 oversized

    Votes: 12 52.2%
  • mesa 412 traditional

    Votes: 10 43.5%
  • mesa 212 rec

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • bogner 212

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Jun 25, 2008
I need some serious and help and what are the diffrence between a oversized and a traditional in your opinion, and how can you tell which is which with out comparing em.

Gotta say "search" for this one dude, it's been covered a lot, especially recently (and often by me, cuz I was wondering as well) - FWIW, though, I came to realize that the OS has a very characteristic sound, for better or for worse - it's been used on tons of albums, many of which have tones I'd say I really like, but the sound is just a bit too scooped for my tastes, so I went with the Stiletto (Traditional) and am loving it! And I used to have the Bogner OS 2x12, and that thing was a fizz demon.
really. well i actually like fizz. haha i am weird. but how are you liking your traditional? how heavy is the damn thing also.
I'm really digging my Traditional, it's exactly what I wanted, just a great, full-sounding cab that seems more neutral compared to the semi-scooped and rumbly tones (from all that I've heard) of the OS. It definitely weighs a ton; I'm 5'11"/155 lbs., so not exactly bursting at the seams with muscles, and while I can carry it up a flight of stairs, CHRIST does it take it outta me. The casters it comes with are the smoothest and most stable I've ever used, though, so as long as your on flat ground you're good, and hopefully you'd be able to find someone to help you when stairs enter into the equation!
all of what you listed are good choices, kinda hard to comment further without you being a bit more specific about what you want
i want just a really insanely brutal tone, like whitechapel, american me, just something warm and tasty, and punches fucking hard and makes my XXX scream
hell yeah i know they do. but i also need a crushing studio cab. how is the mesa 2x12, man these are such tough choices
If money is a huge issue then maybe you'd be best just getting whatever one comes up cheap on ebay?

Although, if you're using a XXX I'd maybe lean towards the Traditional, as the XXX isn't exactly a mid heavy amp like say a 6505, so pairing it with the scooped sounding oversided cab might mot be the best choice.

You should check out orange cabs too, they've got a spike in the high mids that really helps them to cut through, which would probably give you that fizz you want. Pretty nice midrange in those cabs too and a very big, tight low end.
Eh, I've heard a fair amount of clips of Orange cabs, and all of them sounded very dark to my ears - and a 2x12 will never sound as full as a 4x12 when recorded IME.
I had a shitty 5150 bottom cab I got for cheap ($150).....and Andy told me to dump some V30s in there......so I did.

I bought two for and put them in an X pattern.......one of the best decisions ever for getting some good guitar tone! And still far cheaper than buying a new Mesa or Bogner.

So the point is, its not so much the cab......its getting them V30s in there!
I had a shitty 5150 bottom cab I got for cheap ($150).....and Andy told me to dump some V30s in there......so I did.

I bought two for and put them in an X pattern.......one of the best decisions ever for getting some good guitar tone! And still far cheaper than buying a new Mesa or Bogner.

So the point is, its not so much the cab......its getting them V30s in there!

I totally agree. My cheap Peavey XXX cab and generic Peavey 4x12 sounded perfectly usable once I threw V30's in there. Almost all the cabs out there are constructed similarly, just slightly different bracing/joints on them, which isn't going to do 'much'. I just hope my Bogner 4x12 was worth the money, it better sound different than my Peavey cabs :)
I totally agree. My cheap Peavey XXX cab and generic Peavey 4x12 sounded perfectly usable once I threw V30's in there. Almost all the cabs out there are constructed similarly, just slightly different bracing/joints on them, which isn't going to do 'much'. I just hope my Bogner 4x12 was worth the money, it better sound different than my Peavey cabs :)

Would you mind letting us know how you get on with the Bogner compared to your peavey cabs when it arrives?
I'm cab hunting just now and thinking of a mesa or orange (£900 and £550 respectively) but if i can save some cash by getting something cheaper and just slapping some v30's in there then I'd certainly be going that route!
