What can I do...


Natursekt Black Metal
Jul 13, 2005
Weinheim, Deutschland
To get this thread moving. I mean for a band THIS good, we should have tonnes of people in here. For some unknown reason theres loads of people in the Opeth forum, which I dont understand.
First of all I must say I love Opeth. Would never go near their over-populated forum though. Over-population often means that the quality of the discussion goes down the drain.

It is odd though that this forum doesn't get more discussions going. I myself am not very keen on opening up discussions, but when discussions are underway I like to disturb the peace :) We need someone who just can't keep his or her mouth shut.
I can witter for most of Northern Europe given half the chance... however no one ever has a clue what the hell Im on about, and I dont like starting discusions cos well Im shy and whilst Im a memeber of many many net forums I've never been on a metal forum before and for I know you might all decide to virtually dismember me or something...

See told ya I wittered on about absolute bollocks :D
First of all I must say I love Opeth. Would never go near their over-populated forum though. Over-population often means that the quality of the discussion goes down the drain.

It is odd though that this forum doesn't get more discussions going. I myself am not very keen on opening up discussions, but when discussions are underway I like to disturb the peace :) We need someone who just can't keep his or her mouth shut.

Same here bro.
Aye, im happier with this being a smaller forum in all fairness. At least the majority of people on here know what the other are on about most of the time and its not stocked with irritating 12 year olds unlike some other sub forums on here which will remain nameless. heh, :p.

Aye, im happier with this being a smaller forum in all fairness. At least the majority of people on here know what the other are on about most of the time and its not stocked with irritating 12 year olds unlike some other sub forums on here which will remain nameless. heh, :p.


Yeah I suppose you are right. I mean ive been off the net for a month because my old computer died, and the forum hasnt really progressed from what it was when I left it. This forum will probably lift off when the new Turisas album is released.
So in the meantime we all get to play Battle Metal lots.

My three year old daughter now sings along to One More. Im even prouder than I was the day she decided to run round the flat yelling 'Trollhammaren' at the top of her lungs. :)
Awesome kid! Wish my 8 year old sister wasnt a thing of her age group. Pop princess and miss popularity. Yawn.
Its all down hill for your little sister from here then, we all know where listening to that evil satanic music and having lots of friends leads. 1ST, a want to rebel without rebelling too much, thus, EMOism. next, she will discover TeH InToRnEtZ so she can post super coo' pikkatorz of her and her bbf's one every profile site she can access from school. After that, two words my friend. myspazz preteen.


My kids are both metallers, my son loves punk, my daughter headbangs harder than me and Im already having to promise to take them to gigs as soon as their old enough.

But then with me as mum what else could anyone expect??
Its all down hill for your little sister from here then, we all know where listening to that evil satanic music and having lots of friends leads. 1ST, a want to rebel without rebelling too much, thus, EMOism. next, she will discover TeH InToRnEtZ so she can post super coo' pikkatorz of her and her bbf's one every profile site she can access from school. After that, two words my friend. myspazz preteen.



I absolutely hate myspace. I actually thought I was an opinionated twat before I went on that site for the first time. Now I think I really put myself down.:erk: :lol:
I dunno Myspace has it's uses.

I use it to keep in touch with mates of mine, and take the piss out of the numerous idiots I dont know who, despite me stating quite clearly on my blurb if I dont know you Im unlikely to add you, still try and add me or send me 'i think ur cutez we should hook up. word innit' messages.

I share those ones with my freinds and we laugh mightily.

Yeah alright Oxford's crap and there's nowt to do round here.
Yep Turbo I am indeed british...... I live in Oxford. If your into metal Oxford is shite, we have one rock pub which is crap beyond all belief, one metal night a week, generally full of teenagers and emo twunts, and one goth night a month mainly full of twits with glow sticks...... Im still trying to work that one out!!!

Why d'ya ask ??
I absolutely hate myspace. I actually thought I was an opinionated twat before I went on that site for the first time. Now I think I really put myself down.:erk: :lol:

hahaha, i think its the self ritious vegans, peta fags and emos that really let that site down(and of course the 'internet famous' pricks who actually think people give a shit about the internet).
Thankfully though i make a point to ignore most everyone on there and use it merely to speak with all of...hmmm...3 people, and only 2 on a regular basis.
Ah well, at least i have one of the only decent groups on there and refuse a massive chunk of people who try to join it thus weeding out the emo scum and nu metallers, ^_^.

elitism ftw, haha.

Yep Turbo I am indeed british...... I live in Oxford. If your into metal Oxford is shite, we have one rock pub which is crap beyond all belief, one metal night a week, generally full of teenagers and emo twunts, and one goth night a month mainly full of twits with glow sticks...... Im still trying to work that one out!!!

Why d'ya ask ??

Solihull has no rock clubs, no metal scene whatsoever. Birmingham isnt much better. Which is why I love to see bands like Turisas at the academy. Theres also a metal pub next door, which im yet to visit (none of my closest mates are into that type of music, so its near enough impossible to get them in there).

I was just meer curious, because there seems to be a hell of alot of UKers here. In comparison to Finns, who should be here.
I know someone in Bimringham who has something to do with the Reanimator Metal Night in Brum. Ill grab the link for the website of her next time I see her online.

Luckily most of my mates are into metal, unfortunately most of them are miserable sods and so never wnat to go out on nights when Ive managed to arrnage cash and twist the ex's arm into babysitting.

Have to say I am surprised at the small numbers of Finns. Maybe their all hiding somewhere??
I hang out in these forums though I havent really posted anything yet. Turisas is not really popular here in Finland, or atleast most of my metal friends have never ever heard of them.. Maybe it'll change if the next album is good enough! :headbang: