What Carcass album next?

Originally posted by dimensionidol

swan song is shit!

is a contract obligation album!

they have a bad time release it so i have bad time listen to it.

please someone tell me what the fuckin' is melodic death ...

because if it is in flames i don't see connection with carcass!

at all!!!!!!


Hmm..i think Carcass became more melodic album after album..
First two albums are raw grind gore and Necroticism turned up to deathmetal and Heartwork even more melodic...
Originally posted by slayer81
Hmm..i think Carcass became more melodic album after album..
First two albums are raw grind gore and Necroticism turned up to deathmetal and Heartwork even more melodic...

necroticism is not death metal!

is an evolution of grindcore.

in the same way of "symphonies of sickness" but more mature.

heartwork is a bit different and yes more death metal.

but they never play death metal

also swansong is not deathmetal

i think should be shitmetal!

Originally posted by Joel_In_Flames

If i love the album Heartwork by Carcass what album of theres do you recomend i get next?


Heartwork was their first album where they matured past their "grindcore" roots and became a better band, in my opinion. I guess it depends on what you like, but swansong was their last album that isn't a compilation, and it is "softer" than their earlier stuff. It has more of a progressive metal feel to it, with more creative song writing & talented melodic dual guitar work.

I think that if you like heartwork and your into melodic death metal, I wouldn't go back to their earlier albums, because they're not what I'd call melodic death metal. The songs are all titled with weird medical terms that some doctors would have a hard time understanding. So the songs are basically just "Death Metal", not as brutal as cannibal corpse, but I would compare them to that more then melodic death metal. If you don't like grindcore, then don't listen to the posts that tell you to get anything earlier then heartwork :)

Swansong still has Walker's harsh vocals, and its nowhere near "easy on the ears" or "mainstream".
Originally posted by JesterRace
Heartwork was their first album where they matured past their "grindcore" roots and became a better band, in my opinion. I guess it depends on what you like, but swansong was their last album that isn't a compilation, and it is "softer" than their earlier stuff. It has more of a progressive metal feel to it, with more creative song writing & talented melodic dual guitar work.

you are totally crazy or what?

carcass have progressive feel!?:eek:

what do you mean with compilation?

great amount of bullshits!

Originally posted by dimensionidol
necroticism is not death metal!

is an evolution of grindcore.

in the same way of "symphonies of sickness" but more mature.

heartwork is a bit different and yes more death metal.

but they never play death metal

also swansong is not deathmetal

i think should be shitmetal!


Well.. that`s your opinion...
But i think grind gore metal has almost nothing guitar solos, like in deathmetal..:grin: