What compliments a Mesa Boogie?


New Metal Member
Feb 22, 2011
I recently bought a dual rectifier 100w 3 channel. I havent purchased a cab yet and im probably going to stick with mesa but i'm keeping open. I havent gotten much into pedals because i had a combo amp before. im going to purchase an 808 overdrive and i have a digitech whammy and a crybaby wah. I'm a metalhead and i like the over the top super heavy type tone. Any ideas?
thats what im thinking about for a cab, no matter what i end up with it's going to have v30s. why the ts9 over an 808?
Not really "over" an 808, get what you want, they all do the same thing just different flavors. Also another vote for the Mesa Standard (oversized) 4x12.
my vote goes for this


and some weird condenser mic maybe.