What could my track use?.


New Metal Member
Mar 25, 2009
Used Line 6 UX2, POD Farm+Sonar X2 producer. What are some good plugins to start mixing?. Feed back is needed!!. :)
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The tone is pretty awesome, Needs some of the high mids notched out though. There's a little bit of that POD fizz in it.

The only things it needs is drums and bass which I'm assuming you haven't got in it already cause you don't have access to them?
The tone is pretty awesome, Needs some of the high mids notched out though. There's a little bit of that POD fizz in it.

The only things it needs is drums and bass which I'm assuming you haven't got in it already cause you don't have access to them?

I do have access to drums and bass, At this point I am trying to prep for some mixing techniques and to prepare recording a set of songs with my band. Im hoping to do more than just the POD Farm.:worship:
Yeah, be more aggressive with your low pass filter to get rid of that fizziness. The guitars are also slightly off-tempo from each other. Sounds pretty good though.
I do have access to drums and bass, At this point I am trying to prep for some mixing techniques and to prepare recording a set of songs with my band. Im hoping to do more than just the POD Farm.:worship:

Try adding drums and bass to it, it will make it easier to tell what it needs rather than the guitars on their own.

When mixing sounds you have too look at them relation to each other to work out what you need to do to a track.

And I'm really impressed you got that sound out of Podfarm!I find it hard to get good tones from it haha.