What country you should be really living in?

Raistlin Majere said:
Which country should you REALLY be living in?

My Results:

The United Kingdom

You have pride in yourself and pride in your country. You believe that history and culture is an important factor to the future of your country, and that traditions and values should be upheld. You love your scones and tea, and reading soppy romance novels. The UK is where you should be...

stfu, this quiz is gayer than alexi.

Yeah, dont bother coming through the tunnel, we have enough middle easterns here as it is.

G'day Mate! You're a yokker. A true Aussie. You love the beach and barbies, as well as sport and sex. Life couldn't get any simpler, and thats the way it should be. C'mon Aussie, C'mon!

I don´t like the beach that much... but I love the whole simple life idea.

A vast terrain filled with beautiful scenery and interesting characters. You don't trust the world. You feel they are always up to no good. Which is why you'd make a great Russian. You want life to be simple and have no desire for riches, fame or wealth - and thats the only way your government would have it.

eh comrade??? FUCK YA :lol: :lol: :lol:
hatecrewchick said:
Which country should you REALLY be living in?

You would make a great Canadian! You desire to live in a young, friendly country, that has little worries and plenty of activities. Canada is the place for you.


I got Cuba :(
i got , Canada wtf?
"You would make a great Canadian! You desire to live in a young, friendly country, that has little worries and plenty of activities. Canada is the place for you."

i was hoping Germany :cry:
Was expecting Japan, I got:


G'day Mate! You're a yokker. A true Aussie. You love the beach and barbies, as well as sport and sex. Life couldn't get any simpler, and thats the way it should be. C'mon Aussie, C'mon!
United States of America

You're an American through and through. You like the idea of liberty and freedom, and enjoy watching the odd ball game with your trusty weener bun and your bud light. Sweet, dude.
