What DAW are you using with Revalver and EzDrummer


Sep 4, 2008
Hey guys. I'm new here. Forum is cool.

I hear a lot of great clips and mixes on here. I'm wondering what you guys are using for DAW's with the Revalver and EzDrummer programs. I currently use pro tools but It's not the best for drum programming and stuff.

You guys use Cubase and Logic?

I tried searching but came up empty so I apologize I'm sure this has been covered before.

cool. I gotta check out logic I think. cubase sounds good to me though. I've heard some mixes that sound great.
REAPER!!! I've used Cubase and Pro Tools for years, and consider myself intermediate in the former and advanced intermediate in the latter, and since switching to Reaper a month ago, I'm able to do everything I used to do in the other two programs - plus, it's cheap, and loads SO FAST HOT DAMN.
REAPER!!! I've used Cubase and Pro Tools for years, and consider myself intermediate in the former and advanced intermediate in the latter, and since switching to Reaper a month ago, I'm able to do everything I used to do in the other two programs - plus, it's cheap, and loads SO FAST HOT DAMN.

never even heard of before this gotta check it out...
REAPER!!! I've used Cubase and Pro Tools for years, and consider myself intermediate in the former and advanced intermediate in the latter, and since switching to Reaper a month ago, I'm able to do everything I used to do in the other two programs - plus, it's cheap, and loads SO FAST HOT DAMN.

Reaper has a beat detective? That's one of the few things pro tools has that I wish cubase had. That and the ability to move plugins in a chain argh.
[UEAK]Clowd;7600628 said:
Reaper has a beat detective? That's one of the few things pro tools has that I wish cubase had. That and the ability to move plugins in a chain argh.

It's working towards beat detective... very recent development.
like that.. or like elastic time in PT..actually the way it works in ableton live is awesome..really digging ableton ( just trying the demo..it's really fun for arranging ideas in looped chunks)

i am pretty much sold on Live for the way i want to approach some new songwriting... it's not great for crazy poly rhythm infused metal but for ambient groove stuff...whoa!
Yes, I really like Live also.

With the improvements that Justin had made to Reaper over the past.. um... day??? I pretty much have no need for Pro Tools now.
I switched from Samplitude to EnergyXT2. Tried almost all DAWs out there and XT2 is my favourite (except many bugs and stability issues... but i hope this will be solved one day :)
mad options. Right now I'm running Pro tools 6.9 on my G5 and I sequence drums by hand but it sucks. What is best drum sequencer for that set up?
Lemmy put it this way. Can I get cubase, Revalver, EzDrummer and make some music? I can't program in Reason and Pro tools anymore.

I know these products dont work with pro tools and I kinda want to try something new.
I would try reaper out first, it's audio capabilities just rock, midi seems to be lagging behind. Cubase midi is very good, but for me just programming a drum track and an occaisional synth I wouldn't know much anyway

My plugins work great with reaper, use less cpu, and seem to sound better, almost never have a crash. Cubase 4 seems like garbage to me, and I would have better hopes of reaper adding midi functions than cubase being stable any time soon

In short, download the reaper installer (3.5 MB) and check it out, you can use it as long as you like (no copy protection) and always go to cubase if you like.

much respect to cubase, but im becoming more of a reaperholic everyday
i use sonar for everything now, hardly ever touch pro tools.

i love working with midi on sonar, writing drum tracks while playing guitar is just awesome.

i use revalver and ad drums.