What did everyone do over the weekend?

Rrrrr back in the days, where petrol was at 40c a litre, drive your V8s on an oilly rag, not a day would go by you would leave your house/home/caravan/shed or even a boat without putting on your metal jacket, Rrrrr Back In The Day,:rock: 83-90 now the Beast shall be re-born once again in 2008 and the jacket will once again see the light..:rock:
I had a great weekend. Saw KTL on Friday night, they were awesome. Went to see a Finnish jazz band Saturday and ended up drinking with them till about 2am. The rest was all painting and drinking and more painting for the kitchen which should be going in this week. Hooray!
*Glug* to the resurrection of this thread!

WTF? to the relevance of the above post!

Wot i'm trying to say is I have my denim jacket that i have dedicated to Iron Maiden thats been packed away for 22 years after the Slavery tour in 84-85 and in 2008 it will see daylight again and probebly for the last time.

WTF? yourself, I can't see any problem with it.
There are no problems with it as such, he's just questioning the relevance to this particular thread. Go back and read it if you can't figure out why it doesn't fit.
Yeah, your right fellers, sorry for the dribble, I too hate when people join in half cocked.

should of read the post, I blame my teachers for my thickness....:lol:
had about a Dozen or so SOL Beers froze my arse off at one of Sanj's old workmates house.... finished the night with Tequila shots ... great nite and saw the Hammers win through a drunken haze