What did everyone get for Christmas then?

I got a digital camera, a Metallica calendar, "The Complete Guitar Player" book, loads of candles, a dream book, a tarot book, and "Oor Wullie" book (Scottish comic character), a Magic Eye book and a pair of trackie bottoms from my parents. From my best friend Jacqui I got 2 cds - "Hayseed Dixie - Let There Be Rockgrass" (Bluegrass versions of classic rock tracks!!) and a Bon Jovi one which I've never seen before, a Bon Jovi chord book and some chocolates. From my friends Kat and Ade I got a pair of Metallica dogtags and an Anthrax wristband and my friend Chris gave me Motley Crue's Greatest Hits and their biography "The Dirt", which should be some interesting reading!!

Good haul this year!!! :headbang:

What did everyone else get??
Dammit! Still no pony! You would think that after 32 years worth of Christmas's, I would have gotten at least ONE pony....ah well. This year I got a shop vac, pajama bottoms, an Iron Maiden tab book, and the WAR department (Wives Against Racing) is allowing me to spend the cash I got from my parents on some goodies for my car. My son made out pretty good, which should keep us both entertained for a while. Cars, planes, Spiderman stuff, learning games, and best of all, a drum set. I know most parents would cringe at that last one, but I have been looking for one small enough for him for a while now. It isn't a quality set, but good enough for a soon to be 4 year old.
Got a Jimi Hendrix Action figure
An Official Ottawa Senators Hockey Jersey and...

I got a portable mini DVD/mp3 player, a new cell phone, 24 pairs of drum sticks, some girlie make-up stuff, clothes, kewl ass shoes that add about 5 inches to my height (LOL!), a couple necklaces and some yummy money! DOH and how can I forget The Early Days!!!! Plus a cute little cd holder that is a plush doggie head....so cute!
I got a digital camera too!! Now I can share some of my artwork with you guys! I also got a new set of sheets in my fav color, purple!! The best though was new art pencils!!
I got a brand new fender squier std fat strat. It's metallic black on black just the way I wanted it hehehe and I love it.

Now if I can only learn to play like Adrian Smith! I'm learning to play the Paschendale intro right now and it's takin forever lol !!
I must've been a really good girl this year! :D
Santa brought me a brand new Ibook G4 (a combo Xmas and Birthday gift since my bday is 2 days after Xmas), A beautiful picture frame, a cool turtleneck sweater, a bracelet, an atomic clock, the Early Days DVD, some fingerless gloves with skulls on them, Balls to Picasso (the CD/DVD) and best of all, my family here in Vegas with me, safe and sound, so I didn't have to be all sad and lonely.. so even though I had to work on Christmas, it was a joyous day! Hope evryone has been having a great holiday. I'll see you next year!
I got a new kick-ass digital/SLR camera, a portable CD player, stationary, fuzzy gloves, Eddie's Archive , and other Iron Maiden goodies (Early Days DVD etc.,). But the best thing was that I got to spend time with family members who live out of state/country...that was a nice treat.:)
Looks like the Early Days DVD was popular with our little family here, I got one too. "Kick-ass" camera, Wanda? Must be the Canon? Hmmm may have to negotiate a trade, photo lessons for bass lessons... LOL. But I bet you already take better pictures than I play bass! :D

I got some toys for my new toy. I got this a couple months ago, my present to me! Not bad for $250, just needs some TLC.

It's funny, every year I go out to buy presents and end up buying more for me (and no intentions of buying anything for me). Gifts given from family to me: Coffee maker (with timer-yea!), $50 Home Depot card, $20 Best Buy card, canned fruit, and one more not opened yet. Gift from me to me: IM The Early Days, Judas Priest Metalogy (1 DVD/4 CDs set), Judas Priest Electric Eye DVD, Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers, Seal - acoustic versions.
alanbirdsell said:
Looks like the Early Days DVD was popular with our little family here, I got one too. "Kick-ass" camera, Wanda? Must be the Canon? Hmmm may have to negotiate a trade, photo lessons for bass lessons... LOL. But I bet you already take better pictures than I play bass! :D

I got some toys for my new toy. I got this a couple months ago, my present to me! Not bad for $250, just needs some TLC.
Yeah, it's the Canon..check it out: http://consumer.usa.canon.com/ir/controller?act=ModelDetailAct&fcategoryid=144&modelid=9823&sa=true

Probably wouldn't have enough features for a pro like you but I like having something easy to use so this works great for me. A trade sounds good ..I love taking pictures..I think I took over 200 when I went to Italy.:)
Sheesh, it was a real long time ago since I came in here...

I got 7th Son (fantastic album, by far Maiden's best in my opinion), Bruce Dickinson - Balls To Picasso audio-DVD, a towel (what the..), a wheel (long history behind that), alot of money (well, at least much for me), Saxon - Lionheart (which I'm going to change to Live After Death double-CD, my dad thought I said Saxon, but I said Samson *sigh*), a mop (long history behind that too), I don't remember the rest

I was hoping for a drumset, but yeah.. I'm very happy with all things I got!
Steph Harris said:
Yeah, it's the Canon..check it out: http://consumer.usa.canon.com/ir/controller?act=ModelDetailAct&fcategoryid=144&modelid=9823&sa=true

Probably wouldn't have enough features for a pro like you but I like having something easy to use so this works great for me. A trade sounds good ..I love taking pictures..I think I took over 200 when I went to Italy.:)
That looks like an awesome camera. A good "all-in-one" deal. I need a backpack to carry my stuff anymore.

Some of us are still waiting to see some of those Italy pictures.... ;)
Barnes & Nobles, too bad they don't sell music, Pillar CD, The West Wing (2nd season), IM Early Days DVD, Cushy socks! (see HB Aja), Awesome Multi-tool for the gig bag, lots of eats, $ for some CD's (I have my eye on an old Tourniquet CD) but the best was watching my son open his BC Rich Warlock! And he just told my wife to keep his hair long in the back (OMG, not a mullet!).

Peace, Love and Broccoli from the Road Dog