What did you get for christmas gear wise?

Nothing :( Broke as shit. My xmas GAS however is full of stuff. An Explorer, buy things to build a new amp, a smaller interface to have at home, smaller monitors to have at home..the list goes on.
I got a Mesa 2x12 rectifier cab and a Radial X amp to go with my mark V...
That's because people usually freeze to death after Xmas in Finland

I'm not sure if I understand. It's only -31 celsius here at the moment. I was just about to consider switching my speedos to a pair of shorts. Maybe I'll even buy a shirt this winter.

Gift-wise, this was the first Christmas I didn't get any gear for myself. I have to try and save all I can for moving. Sucks.
Didn't get shit for myself, never do.

I get miserable around this time because I always seem to have money issues at this exact time every year. I hate shopping. I like to give. But I hate feeling like I have to match or outdo what someone may have gotten me. I hate feeling like a cheap skate.

Closest thing to gear would be a possible flatscreen tv. Or Mesa hoodie.
Gear wise I've got a pair of Audix I5's and a Korg Nanokey from the bird.
Also gonna grab myself LSD Drums over the holidays I expect, and the Kirk Hunter Rock/Pop Strings.
I was just at guitar center and was seconds away from buying a blacked out tele with emgs. And I was really contemplating buying a set of Tannoy's. Luckily the girlfriend dragged me out.
Scored some yamaha hs80s, some sennheiser headphones for tracking, a splawn cabinet, and "White Men Can't Jump" on dvd. STOKED!
A set of EMG's (81 & 85) with the solderless kit. Got me an SM7B also. And I got boards to build an 1176 Clone. Sweet.
Nice. All you need now is


If you have long hair that might not work so well.

All I got for christmas was my christmas bonus check, which I quite like.

I have long hair... it's called tying that shit back. :D


I was just at guitar center and was seconds away from buying a blacked out tele with emgs.

I got one like that.

oh, and I don't do christmas, but I got myself a Line6 M13 and a 2nd Maxon OD808...
I have long hair... it's called tying that shit back. :D


I got one like that.

oh, and I don't do christmas, but I got myself a Line6 M13 and a 2nd Maxon OD808...

It looked just like that one, but the knobs were like the ones off of a fender amp. And the dude said the EMG's weren't stock. It was only $299 I shoulda grabbed it, have a feeling it won't be there in a week.