What do Evergrey fans think of ...

A short review I just typed of "BE":

I really didn't like this album at all. POS's albums such as "Remedy Lane" and "The Perfect Element Pt.1" were true masterpieces, but 12:5 and "BE" don't cut it. I think that Daniel Gildenlow(singer of POS) has just lost his touch on this album. There are some good moments on there, but you have to go through all of the stupid speech parts like "I am" and "2,000 people" or whatever. Also, the god soundclips sound terribly like a ripoff of "The Inner Circle" by Evergrey. I reccomend people that haven't bought this to just forget about it and buy one of POS's previous works. BE has a nice spot right next to the mashed potatoes.....or just right in the trash.
Seriously, though, one masterpiece album comes out in 2004 using religous soundclips and then another album which really isn't good comes out with an album in later 2004 also based around religion and using religious soundclips.
You do know that BE has been in the works since well before Inner Circle, right? Those phone calls to God were recorded in the summer of 2003. PoS staged a one-time show late in 2002 or early 2003 in which they premiered some of the material.

And while they both deal with religion to some degree, they deal with entirely different concepts. Inner Circle is, on a very simple level, about cults and brainwashing and abuse and guilt; BE, on the other hand, deals more with the personal struggles to understand what God is and how belief has affected life.

Not at all the same thing.