what do the 2 mask's mean?

I could be wrong, but I believe the masks are typically a symbol of "Comedy" and "Tragedy" when used in the context of theater. One masks is usually smiling and the other is frowning. The odd part is, with SymphonyX, the masks always have a neutral look. One of the masks has a tear drop painted on it, but it doesn't look sad. The other has lines painted down from the corners of the mouth, but again, it doesn't look sad. I'm not sure if they are supposed to represent the same meaning as the ones with the smila and frown, but I guess you'd have to ask the guys in the band what they mean (not Russell, of course, as he wasn't there when they were first used).
Yeah, they're definately comedy/tragedy masks. Whats interesting, as you pointed out, is their facial expressions. I always saw it as, the "comedy" one is the blue one, yet its crying, and the tragedy one (the red one) is frowning yet the markings on it are red, which I guess is not a "sad" color, and the comedy mask has a dark blue/purple which I guess is more of a "sad" color...I dunno Im probably reading into it too much hehe.
those masks originate in ancient greek theater

i am gonna look at the cd's

i think that at some point they used to be one smiling and one frowning. actually i dont think so.

but if they were...the changing point must be V because there are those two guys with hoods. i think they represent the evil god and the good god in the story of V.
Yeah, Russ said something like that on the band interviews from the special edition releases of Symphony X - Twilight in Olympus. Light and darkness I think.