What do u guys think of this Drop G chug chug?

Meeh, I kinda like the 808, I agree that the guitars sounds airy or maybe a bit weak. Especially without the bass in the beginning, but it think it's because I have cut a lot of frequencies to make room for the drums and bass. I also think i need to change the 7th string since it pretty loose, maybe that's why it gets choked when i pal mute :p
what kind of distortion is on the bass man? (if there is any on it) I've been messing with bass distortion, but cant get it to work right.
what kind of distortion is on the bass man? (if there is any on it) I've been messing with bass distortion, but cant get it to work right.

I use pod farm TS808 and Pod farm classic distortion. I have split the bass up into two differen tracks, the first track only is 70-200 Hz and that track has no distortion, the other track is from 800- around 5000 Hz and it has the distortion. The tracks are connected to a master track were the Trilian plugin is and its also has TSE BOD.
did you mean TSE BOD? Or did you use 808? And only one track went through the distortion and the TSE plug right?
I think i described it very bad. There are actually three tracks for the bass. The first track has Trilian on it and the midi file, so its basically the main track. It also has TSE BOD and Waves MaxxBass. It sends to two other tracks, one is Freq passed from 60-200HZ i think and the other track is passed at around 800-5k HZ. The track with the low freqs has only Limiter, Comp and of course EQ to pass the freqs. The other track has the same things but also Pod farm distortion and TSE 808. I hope i made it clear :)
haha ohh that makes a lot more sense. Sweet, so the distortion and low frequencies are just sends? Does the podfarm instance have anything but classic distortion?