What do we think about Anathema's new direction?

Pete the goth

New Metal Member
Oct 15, 2001
Well this is my first post people so be gentle with me:p, but I would like to know what people think about the new direction Anathema are taking. It is fairly obvious that they are rapidly abandoning thier goth roots, so are there any 'goth purists' around that think they should stick to what they have done in the past?

Or is it a good thing that they are choosing a more 'experimental' path, given the restrictions of the 'goth' genre?

Personally I'm not going to say anything until I get a few replies! (which will probably mean this thread will drop quicker than the proverbial led Zepplin, but hey ho!).
Well this is my first post people so be gentle with me, but I would like to know what people think about the new direction Anathema are taking. It is fairly obvious that they are rapidly abandoning thier goth roots, so are there any 'goth purists' around that think they should stick to what they have done in the past?

I don't think Anatehma has ever been gothic, I can't even hear any elements of what I consider gothic. And I doubt that they even have ever had any gothic influences. But if we forget this, yes they have moved quite far away from the earlier doom-death style and I don't see anything wrong with it. It is natural that bands develope and people mature. It's just good that bands try different things. Of course no one should change just for the sake of it or because fans/label/press expects to or to get more money or fame. Some bands change and they manage to pull it off with success and style yet not all succeed and they end up sounding crap.

Of course there are few bands that haven't really changed much like AC/DC or Iron Maiden but they are still good at what they do.

Or is it a good thing that they are choosing a more 'experimental' path, given the restrictions of the 'goth' genre?

Good for then, keeps the music more interesting and they have proved that they can do lots of different styles of music and keep their integrity, honesty and emotion.
I have never considered them goth, in my mind they are hugely removed from it..... But I like the changes, to me it shows they've matured. If they hadn't of done, I wouldn't respect them as musicians, as to me it would suggest they were un-original, and couldn't progress..
I like what they do now but would appreciate an older song or two in the setlist for fans who were with them in the early days in the early 90's-i think Lovelorn Rhapsody or Crestfallen would be great to hear again.
:bah: I like older Anathema better, probably because that is where I started listening to them, but their newer releases have started growing on me over the past couple of years.
I don´t like it but I suppose they will have more fans! I saw them live a few weeks ago and if you like a good rock concert then it probably was a great gig!....I´ll stick to their older work :err:
Nice replies people! I am a little suprised that some never consdered them 'Goth' in the first place - I would agree that since 'Alternative 4' this is the case, but their earlier works definately had a 'goth' tinge to them, to my mind.

However I do like the new direction, it really is quite an accomplishment!
I think 'A fine day to exit' is a great album; I have to admit though, that I would prefer some heavier guitar thrown in amongst the gentler work on this album. You have to move forward I know, but I would have preferred more variation. There's no doubt though, that Anathema emotional effect is still there and with this album you choose your time to listen to it carefully!
I think 'A fine day to exit' is a great album; I have to admit though, that I would prefer some heavier guitar thrown in amongst the gentler work on this album. You have to move forward I know, but I would have preferred more variation. There's no doubt though, that Anathema emotional effect is still there and with this album you choose your time to listen to it carefully!

I do agree 100% with you. AFDTE is a damn fine album and it has lots of great songs like Release, Panic, Temporary Peace and A Fine Day to Exit. However, I would have also liked to have a bit more variation, perhaps some more heavy stuff, uptempo stuff or whatever. The emotion is definetely still there like it has been on all albums. Even AFDTE is not musically heavy at all, it is that on emotional and spiritual level.
I do like new Anathema album. The problem is, I _merely_ like it, whereas e.g. Judgement is my beloved release.

Some of you guys yearn for some heaviness and speed. Well, for me they could even release a totaly acoustic album - I have some other bands which satisfy my demand for heavy stuff. What I've got used to expect from Anathema is an unique climate - a blend of sadness, gloominess, dark melancholy - actually, I struggle to find appropriate words, it's very elusive and defies description.

The problem is, while A Fine Day To Exit is overall a very decent album (and I fully respect the band's right to evolve, I have no reproach at all), it fails to move me the way Judgement, Eternity, Alternative 4, or even Silent Enigma do. It's somewhat less emotional.

Some moments remind me of Radiohead, Porcupine Tree, Pink Floyd. I have nothing against these bands - on the contrary, they are some of my favourite ones. And the moments are very good as well. The problem is, they are not what I expect from Anathema...

Had this album been released by some band new to me, I would propably call it superb. But in terms of Anathema, I do feel slightly disappointed as they are not unique to me anymore.

Oh well, anyway, I'll always love them...
Originally posted by goneh
I do like new Anathema album. The problem is, I _merely_ like it, whereas e.g. Judgement is my beloved release.

Some of you guys yearn for some heaviness and speed. Well, for me they could even release a totaly acoustic album - I have some other bands which satisfy my demand for heavy stuff. What I've got used to expect from Anathema is an unique climate - a blend of sadness, gloominess, dark melancholy - actually, I struggle to find appropriate words, it's very elusive and defies description.

The problem is, while A Fine Day To Exit is overall a very decent album (and I fully respect the band's right to evolve, I have no reproach at all), it fails to move me the way Judgement, Eternity, Alternative 4, or even Silent Enigma do. It's somewhat less emotional.

Some moments remind me of Radiohead, Porcupine Tree, Pink Floyd. I have nothing against these bands - on the contrary, they are some of my favourite ones. And the moments are very good as well. The problem is, they are not what I expect from Anathema...

Had this album been released by some band new to me, I would propably call it superb. But in terms of Anathema, I do feel slightly disappointed as they are not unique to me anymore.

Oh well, anyway, I'll always love them...

Beautifully said, thanks ! My feelings are somewhat similar. I think Exit is more like a transitional record, like a new Silent Enigma in some sort of way. The emotion is definitely there, but it's hidden under layers of experimentation with sound and psychedelia. I think this was inevitable - Judgement was a giant peak, and it's hard to beat that album on its terrain, so the band started moving sideways to hopefully find a new peak in the future. I really like the increased amount of psychedelia and the more colder, down-to-earth vocal approach. The psychological qualities are as high as ever. The music is a bit unfocused though.

D Mullholand
NP: Van Der Graaf Generator - Still Life
i totally agree with goneh...
i think i ll have to wait for the next release i cross my finger and hope duncan comes back or something...
i just got the album and the absence of lead guitars surprised me in extremely strange way but i guess idont know what i am saying..
Although Alt4 is my fav Anathema release, I DO enjoy the current road that the band is venturing down. As others have stated, it IS an evolution of sorts for the band. The basics are still there, the things that separate Anathema from the pack: naked, raw emotion; dark melancholic, beautiful music. However, the package that it's delivered in is now slightly different.

It's so odd: in the early-mid 90s, I always considered Anathema a 'pretender to the throne' of the almighty My Dying Bride (who were once my fav band). Now, MDB can't hold a lick to Anathema. MDB was once mighty, creative & just different. Today, they're a shadow of that. Anathama, on the other hand, has probably grown & progressed more - and done it well - than any band out there.

"AND" is a fantastic album, a work of art, actually.