What do you do on Ebay when

Dark One said:
Yes, but this was stated by the seller - "item will be federal expressed to your door next day. Add $ 10.00 mailing."

The item was then sent in an envelope with a friggin' stamp on it.

Like Erik said, I guess at least I know was seller to definitely avoid in the future.

Give him negative rep, if he does the same to you (fucking cunt!), just take it to EBAY.
lizard said:
well I mean, there's not a ton of stuff you can do except giving him a bad rep.

I guess what I meant is, don't let it eat you up. I know it sucks to have someone take advantage like that but half the things you could do could get YOU in trouble.

like mailing him a turd or calling him something libelous, etc.

I'd still like to know how to get rid of the negative feedback once the guy leaves it for me, because I don't want my rep to be tarnished either. It's so frustrating because I'd love to just go in there and blast him for the liar and cheat that he is.
Erik said:
Yeah, this is just shit. Charging $10 is one thing, but you were paying for a service which you didn't receive. Clear grounds for negative feedback.

Precisely. I didn't mind paying $10 for the safety and security of an overnight envelope with tracking capabilities, etc. THAT's what I was paying for.
Erik said:
Short version: you're fucked. The feedback system is pretty broken, really, I've always been afraid to leave anything but positives because people nearly always leave retaliatory negatives

Yep, and it's the retalitory negative that I don't want. I think it's simply going to be money down the drain at this point. At least I got the item.
Can anyone leave feedback? Or only people who purchased from this cunt? I've only used egay once, got fucked over, and never went back. If it's the case where any joe shmoe can leave feedback. Why not just have the entire board give the cunt a negative rating? :loco:
Funny thing is, I've been ripped off by "reliable" mail-orders (The End, Dark Symphonies) more than I have eBay (one time).

I have a few negs on my feedback, and yeah, one was retalitory. However, apparently one time my package never showed up to the buyer. But I clearly state: I am not responsible for items lost or damaged in the mail. Yet he still left neg feedback. Ass.
1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
Can anyone leave feedback? Or only people who purchased from this cunt? I've only used egay once, got fucked over, and never went back. If it's the case where any joe shmoe can leave feedback. Why not just have the entire board give the cunt a negative rating? :loco:

Haha, that would rule. The only way to do that would be to buy additional items from the guy and leave negative feedback for him for each new item. Unfortunately, this is one of the circumstances that Ebay will let you remove negative feedback for (if an item is bought but not paid for), so it's probably not worth the hassle. Great idea though.
J. said:
I have a few negs on my feedback, and yeah, one was retalitory. However, apparently one time my package never showed up to the buyer. But I clearly state: I am not responsible for items lost or damaged in the mail. Yet he still left neg feedback. Ass.

I had a situation where I received confirmation that the package I shipped was delivered and the next day the buyer told me they were going to leave me negative feedback because the package didn't show up. I told them I'm looking at a scan of the signed slip showing proof of delivery and lo and behold, the buyer leaves positive feedback for me later that day.

I always make sure I send out my items with a package that's traceable. This will always allow me to avoid situations like this and the one you refer to above J.
lizard said:
c'mon everyone...write this asshole and tell him not to fuck with Royal Pinkagers!!


Just sent him an email

Hey you fucking cunt! I had sex with your inflatable doll girlfriend when you were down at the local internet cafe playing world of war craft! You want to fuck over my brother on his autographed Tila Tequila candid?!?! Well fuck you! I'll come and hunt you down for the $10 dinards in which you blatantly stole from him! He worked long and hard grave digging for that money. Too damn hard, for some stalefaced cunt like yourself to come on out and pull the wool condom right over his eyes! Fuck you with 7 spoons and a fork ye four eyes dignitary of dicklicking you! Next time you try and rip somebody off, they'll be a 6ft 6 black man knocking on your damn door! You ever get beaten by an angry man's slave? Bitch!
lurch70 said:
Jason ... don't be afraid of the negative ... they are unnavoidable.

Blast this fucker with a negative ... otherewise they will play the same scam on someone else ... besides you can reply to feedbacks left and it shows up on your page.

check the neg on this page ... this is what the response looks like

Man, why leave feedback like that without at least trying to work it out with the seller first? Geez.
if you leave a well phrased negative ... you will win.

betcha the seller will probably leave some schating blast of BS, that is just going to tarnish him further.
lurch70 said:
if you leave a well phrased negative ... you will win.

betcha the seller will probably leave some schating blast of BS, that is just going to tarnish him further.

YES!! I told him he left me with no alternative but to leave the negative and he stated he would refund me $5 worth of the shipping charges. I thought it was at least something so I accepted. He was bluffing all along. Whooo-Hooooo. I don't care about the $5, but I damn sure do about the principle. :)