What do you do when someone from OUR forum possibly has stolen your money?


Bam Bam Boogie Bear!
Jun 11, 2010
Tallahassee, Fl
Hey guys. Last month, a member of this forum, TheIllicitOne, had a thread for a 6505 he was trying to sell. I responded via pm, we talked and agreed on a price, shipping method and the whole 9. Price was 550 shipped, and when the money cleared into his account via PayPal, he would ship. He recommended i mark the item as "received" in PayPal, so it would clear into his account sooner, thus enabling him to ship it out sooner. So i mark it as such, he comes back to me a day or two later and tells me it has cleared, he is boxing it up and preparing for it to be shipped. This was all during the first couple of days of this month, and a week or so later, he tells me he was out of town for business and would for sure have it shipped to me the following "insert day of the week here" and that he would include something for the inconvenience. Well, that isn't the only time i heard that from him though, and i haven't heard back from him in going on two weeks. Not to mention it has been nearly a whole month, and he hasn't even shipped it out to me. I have tried to get ahold of this person via forum and personal email letting him know i appreciate whatever he wants to do to sway the inconvenience, but if it he hadn't had it shipped in x amount of days, i would like my money back because for a struggling 21 whose day job is a McDonald's cook, loosing 550 bucks is doesn't exactly help me out when i have other important things i need pay for, but now cannot. But alas, i have heard no word from him and it seems like i wont at all. So i have taken it upon myself to notify PayPal and i have filed a claim to try to withdraw those funds back from his account and into mine.

So i want to know, If you guys were in my shoes, what would you do about the situation? What i have done about it so far might be the only thing i can do about it. But something that irks me is that he has my personal information (initially for shipping me the item), but all i have from him is his email address. I try not to buy a lot of things from individual sellers because i am afraid of this happening. I mean, I am not completely accusing him to fooling me into giving him 550 bucks, maybe he really has been our of town this whole time and has had no access to the internet, or died... But from my point of view, it surely seems like i've been duped.

If there is something you can do. Send him (TheIllicitOne)a message about it, or to see if he responds (then i know he is ignoring me), send some advice my way, or what have you... but this is a shitty situation for myself, i tell you what, and i could really use some help here.
Paypal are likely not going to be able to help much, you marked the transaction as "received" so it is his word against yours which will leave you in a stalemate. You should never have agreed to do that, the "received" option is there so the funds can be released when you get the item not for the convenience of the seller. I would say that you've been scammed if I am honest mate. Sorry dude.
As I said in a message I sent to you before. I got transferred out of town for work and I would be back today (Friday) and it is going out first thing tomorrow morning. I have not stolen your money or anything of the sort.
Nice to finally hear from you, Jerry. Well you told me you were going be back that Friday, the 19th, and i haven't heard from you since. Sorry for making this a thing here on the forum, it's just when i send a larger amount of money to someone i am unfamiliar with, i want to keep my eye on the situation until i have truthfully received what i paid for. I mean, i have sent you a message or two regarding the situation since i heard from you last, funny how the first time i do hear from you is when i call it out on here. Again, like i said, i am not meaning to accuse you as such and i don't want you thinking you are dealing with a psycho or anything, but that is how it just appears on my end. And after some time, it makes me worry a little bit. Sorry, I just find it quite inconvenient when i purchase something and it hadn't been shipped even a month later with little to no word. If you can get it out for delivery in a method that DOES include a tracking number (because some shipping services do not include them), then i will cancel the PayPal dispute and we will go on our merry ways.
Never understood why people cannot ship items in a timely manner. I ship everything within 24 hours, sometimes the same day. Maybe it's the New yorker in me, we get shit done.
Never understood why people cannot ship items in a timely manner. I ship everything within 24 hours, sometimes the same day. Maybe it's the New yorker in me, we get shit done.

exactly. when you sell something you have to be able to ship it within 2 next days max. if you can't do it, DON'T FUCKING SELL ANYTHING until you get your shit straight. nobody's life is so random that they get thrown around the country every day without knowing about it in advance, so cut the bullshit.
Never understood why people cannot ship items in a timely manner. I ship everything within 24 hours, sometimes the same day. Maybe it's the New yorker in me, we get shit done.

exactly. when you sell something you have to be able to ship it within 2 next days max. if you can't do it, DON'T FUCKING SELL ANYTHING until you get your shit straight. nobody's life is so random that they get thrown around the country every day without knowing about it in advance, so cut the bullshit.

Word to that, and if not, communication people, we all check our email 20 times a day (don't even try to deny it) so it's just straight up lazy and irresponsible to not keep the buyer informed with a sentence or two ffs

Also, sopulurn check your pm unless you don't want another fan of your band ;)
Let us know how it works out.

+1 on the 24 hour ship... that shit should be boxed and ready to go out the door the second the paypal payment comes through.
There should be a sticky with a set of 'rules' (advice) laid out there for sales and purchases..
Anything sold on the forum, or ebay or wherever should really be dispatched within 48 hours of payment imo. I've sold amps to members on here that arrived 26 hours after payment.

Put it in a box and book a courier, you don't even need to leave the house ffs. It's not hard.
No matter if forum member or not, i would call the police and the offender would have to provide a proof that he sent the item or face serious consequences.