what do you smell of then

As Pacino famously said..'The scent of a woman,it's alright that. Sometimes is fuckin' boss and other times it's like a mungers..makes mine boneless alright'
Achernar said:
@sophia - Well, it's kinda sweet yes. But not of the kind that sickens you with sweetness. Try and smell it when you visit a perfume shop. It's a great one.


i was sure you'd wear a sweet perfume.thats why i asked:)
i still havent found the perfect perfume for me tho:( im wearing Addict a year now,but its too heavy and sweet for summer and that.or when im in a lighter mood.
i'll search for your perfume,aye:)
I smell of nothing, I use nothing and use unscented soap. I don't smell much because I don't eat much meat and no dairy, so I don't smell.