What does Deliverance's album art represent?

maybe the head of a killer in the mirror and the ghost of the person who died in front of the window?

The doll: only to make people wonder what it is :p
the (non-specific) figure is a recurring image in the opeth artwork, as mikes always said he interested in death, the occult, the figure on ghost reveries album, the whole still-life concept about a man who died and returned.........
it represents all these things and it looks cool aswell, and how you didnt know it was adoll on the bed is more disturbing than anything the picture could ever mean : (
Gåbriel;6050882 said:
While it's nice to philosophize about intrinsic meanings in music and art, my guess is that the majority of Travis Smith's work is just created with the intent to create a specific mood to match the feel of the album.

In other words, save it for the Tool forum. ;)
Travis Smith is striking some major interest from me lately.

Anyone know if his art is for sale?? (to hang in my "evil" livingroom)
Sent him an email and got Zero response.
Id appreciate it guys!
I just listened teh album and watched the cover from afar.. The doll and pillow looks just like horses ass and a tail :OMG:
Travis Smith is striking some major interest from me lately.

Anyone know if his art is for sale?? (to hang in my "evil" livingroom)
Sent him an email and got Zero response.
Id appreciate it guys!

Yeh Trav is the man, Try his forum on UM or sumthin.
I can understand some people not liking Damnation from a standpoint that there is no screaming or in your face power chords, but from a musicians, engineering, production, standpoint it IMO is by far one of the best albums to come out in years. The quality of the recording, the subtleness in the music, and the simplicity of it is all genius. It just proves the versatility and musicianship of the band. My only gripe is that they don't plan on making anymore albums like it, from what I've read anyway.