What does price matter nowadays?

Well, it's not exactly supply and demand in this industry though. It's more like demand and supply. We want an 8 channel preamp that has class-A pre's and ADAT output...someone delivers. Since not a lot of those kinds of units have been put on the market yet, that company that does it first can charge whatever the hell they want. And people will buy it.

I got a preamp design from a website calling it the '$5 giant-killing mic pre' and the clips on that site, with that thing up with a several-hundred-dollar pre and I believe a $1400 pre I don't want to think about being the poor bugger who owns that kind of equipment only to get a better sound out of an op-amp circuit straight from the thing's spec sheet.

http://www.record-producer.com/learn.cfm?a=3062 and http://www.record-producer.com/learn.cfm?a=3080

Anyone want to comment on them? I found them hilarious.

Andy Sneap said:
And don't get me started on the A+R radio thing. Some of the conversations I've had you would not believe. Shouting is the new swearing....apparently

In my experience, it seems that Clear Channel radio stations (most of the stations in America) will not play anything that has growling, period, end of story.

Our local Clear Channel modern rock station was holding a battle of the bands contest, and they rejected every single extreme metal band except us, and the only reason they accepted us is because we submitted earlier (more commercial) material to them on purpose (only to play a set of melodic deathmetal the night of the contest.) The DJ came up on stage to announce the next band after us and said "Damn! I feel like I need to go the church tomorrow after that!"
We should have a contest of who can record the best sounding song with the least expensive gear. And I mean cheap everything and no sampling!

I have a silvertone guitar ready and badly tuned!!! :)
Im totally down for this ....

My stipulation though is we get to use any DAW we want with any plugins (except amp or cab modelers)and we CAN use andys drum samples.

I got ready to go:
P3 700 wth 512mb and a 40Gig HD
$200 7 string guitar
$50 Bass Guitar (some no name POS)
$50 set of cretive labs speakers

EDIT : O shit almost forgot ....
add a $99 X-Vamp to that and a Behringher MX200 16ch mixer.

Whos up for it ??
guitarguru777 said:
Im totally down for this ....

My stipulation though is we get to use any DAW we want with any plugins (except amp or cab modelers)and we CAN use andys drum samples.

I got ready to go:
P3 700 wth 512mb and a 40Gig HD
$200 7 string guitar
$50 Bass Guitar (some no name POS)
$50 set of cretive labs speakers

EDIT : O shit almost forgot ....
add a $99 X-Vamp to that and a Behringher MX200 16ch mixer.

Whos up for it ??

PUSSY!!! :)

No way man. It's gotta be sample free!! I'll fire up the akai 4 track if I have to!! I'm amazied of what I did with 4 mics and bouncing tracks about 10 years ago. I'm so fucking spoiled now.
MKS said:
PUSSY!!! :)

No way man. It's gotta be sample free!! I'll fire up the akai 4 track if I have to!! I'm amazied of what I did with 4 mics and bouncing tracks about 10 years ago. I'm so fucking spoiled now.

Dude i hear ya ... lol

My issue is i dont have a drummer to play parts ... ha ha ha ...

Ok how about i use shitty samples :P
Haha, I have one of those $70 mini electric guitars I could try using through my old POD 2.0 and line in through this old shitty PCMCIA soundcard that I have in a box somewhere...I would have to use DFHS though as I don't have anything else that does drums. Mini guitar -> whammy for ghetto bass.

Haha, I can't bring out shitty guitars/amps (as I don't own any) but I can fuck up EQ and mic placement like noone else...

I don't have very shitty samples either, can I just do guitars and fake bass only?

Then we should all be required to use the same samples. Keep the playing field even.
Kazrog said:
In my experience, it seems that Clear Channel radio stations (most of the stations in America) will not play anything that has growling, period, end of story.

Our local Clear Channel modern rock station was holding a battle of the bands contest, and they rejected every single extreme metal band except us, and the only reason they accepted us is because we submitted earlier (more commercial) material to them on purpose (only to play a set of melodic deathmetal the night of the contest.) The DJ came up on stage to announce the next band after us and said "Damn! I feel like I need to go the church tomorrow after that!"

Hey, check out Texas - you want responses like that, try the fucking Bible Belt sometime. It's not just music, either, you just can't sound like that at all - I went to Catholic school K-12, came in one day when I was still pretty young and my voice sounded a bit funny, just from allergies or something like that, and I go from one minute trying to not talk out of my throat (because it's sore as hell) and the next having an exorcism performed on me. Before I even knew what an exorcism fucking was. Talk about absurd. Not even the fringe-y people around here have a significant extreme metal thing going on - hell, I'd love to find competent musicians that heard the phrase 'death metal' and didn't think 'Disturbed', but to be honest when I wear an Opeth shirt and run into someone who doesn't think 'Black clothes, humm, must be gawth', I'm having a good day.

I live twenty minutes away from the Clear Channel headquarters, just to fuck with them I'd set up in the parking lot next to theirs and blast just for the hell of it, if I could find a bloody band, and I wouldn't stop until the windows were in the parking lot (which would be a sight, as the whole bloody thing is glass). I know about all sorts of shit these guys have pulled, and it goes past the 'can't play 'Imagine' after 9/11' shit. They have no problem with playing the same homogenized shit left and right, all sounding like n overplayed formula for boredom in a box, as long as it's on the charts - but the second it's not on there, it's like it doesn't exist. Those sterilized cockwipes need a good slap upside the head, period.

I have revised my list

You should spend money on the following:

Patch Bay
AD converters

And maybe women

The rest is dependant on reliability and stability for my bet. But Especially cables and preamps are critical to a pr workspace. Oh and cofee machine.
JBroll said:
Coffee can be cheap - grocery store coffee into a $20 Bodum French Press. Problem solved.


AHHH but as with mixing its the ingedients that count and not how you choose to process them. LOL just contradicted myself by reading the above thread - Should really say: coffee and coffee machine.
I can take the best coffee beans in the world and make shitty tasting coffee... leave it in overnight! Processing counts too, every step is pretty important in its own way (at least in that you can't fuck up too badly).

I'm hoping that I didn't get the wrong link, so just to make sure this should be the way it is: band is The Clark Terry Experience (Clark Terry sounds so porn-star-ish...) and the track is Hell's Kitchen Drums, so if I got the wrong clip then this is useless and ignore it.

Assuming I did get the right clip (yes, it sounds 'expensive' enough to the point where I think I really did get it mixed up), this is just as I go along on first listen:

First trash-can sounding thing kinda hurts, whatever that is.

Ride bell is a bit piercing, but better than inaudible, and the toms and bass sound great. I just don't like that kind of snare sound - I like gunshot, not toms-with-more-pop, but that's just my thing. I'm surprised with how the crash stands out without being shrill and painful.

The keyboards fit well, but I'd like to hear drums alone, or this kind of rig being put to the speed metal test. All said and done, if I were the one in charge of the guy who beats things with sticks, I'd take this drum sound.
