What does pwned or powned mean?

its a hybrid word, mutated out of "loaned" and "pawned". the reason people always blurt out POWNED or similar lines is to point out that the object is in fact borrowed. works even better together with pictures, since it shows in particular what object was borrowed.

second meaning for it is what you say when spooning with someone.
Karmic said:
its a hybrid word, mutated out of "loaned" and "pawned". the reason people always blurt out POWNED or similar lines is to point out that the object is in fact borrowed. works even better together with pictures, since it shows in particular what object was borrowed.

second meaning for it is what you say when spooning with someone.
Yup he's right
I love how people on the internet are so lazy that instead of correcting a typo, they make a new insult out of it.