What does your desktop look like?

I can't do a screenshot of my desktop cuz I have a shitty computer.. anyway I have this pic in background for the moment

HomerJ_123 said:
i dont user software for the windows style... its just a crack that windows accepts them... i can upload if you like.. its a style pack with like 40 vista (the new windows out soon) skins... and the README how to make windows accept them.

yes, do that please
Arsham said:
yes, do that please

7 days valid...
the README file is in german so i'll translate it here:


1.) Copy all FOLDERS to "\Resources\Themes\" of you Windows-Installation's-Directory.

2.) Rename the original UXTHEME.DLL in your System32-Directory to UXTHEME.BAK. Copy the patched UXTHEME.DLL (conained in the ZIP file) into "\System32\Dllcache" AND into "\System32" of your Windows-Installation's Directory. (Maybe there might be an announcment telling you not to replace them but you can ignore it)

3.) Reboot your system. Right click in your Desktop -> Preferences -> go to the 4th register card on the opening dialog. there you can specify your style.

good luck :)