What ever happened to that fat fuck?


Your Executioner
Nov 23, 2001
yo mamas ass
I think his name was purple rainbow or something he was a retarted dood that just posted random crap :lol: I found it amusing but alot of ppl were just disgusted by him. What happened to that inbred tard?
wtf, you have like the strangest user titles. And because I know that you know what youre writing its even more confusing :lol:
I think he'll randomly check this place now and then, but no old time regulars (pre-Battleheart) really post here. Dred (Dilema) was here, but he worked his ass off at getting fit only to get shot in Iraq...sooo I assume he stopped checking in.

Only regulars here come by now and then to see whos around, realize its no one, and leave.
Or they get drunk and make fun of teenagers like me and Andy.