What Films Did You Watch This Week


Goddess of Metal
May 23, 2005
Went out the other night there to cinema to see HOUSE OF WAX. Wasn't really expecting much blood and guts cos it's only a 15 but good god there was plenty. Totally loved this film,and quite similar to my other 2 favs (Texas Chainsaw Massacre and House of 1000 Corpses). And Paris does indeed get a right good impaling Valanx - that was a cracker lol!!!!! Some good kills and some good torture scenes if you're into that and it was brilliant near the end when there was only the 2 of them left and they're getting chased round the House of Wax by the maniacs, fire breaks out and everything starts to melt, the floor, walls, ceilings and they try and run up the stairs which just melt away into a big mad mental gloopy mess. Yes definitely go and see it - 10 out of 10.

Also watched on DVD ELEKTRA . It was very good as well, she's an assassin for hire and has to protect father & daughter who are getting stalked by these supernatural killers. Some amazing stunts and effects, along the lines of X-men & Daredevil - well worth watching. 8 out of 10.
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
..And Paris does indeed get a right good impaling Valanx - that was a cracker lol!!!!!

Yeah the film gets a 10/10 from me based on that scene alone!!!

Hmm, what did i watch this week? Prolly the usual direct to dvd b-movie horror trash that im always buying or downloading..let me think.....

Hybrid - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119339/
Fred olen Rays films are so bloody awfull, i cant seem to help my self though!

Slumber party massacre - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084695/
Lucky for me i was drunk while this bored me, nude women and a bit of gore kept it interesting though!

Oh yeah and i got the Star Wars:Clone Wars (animation) dvd, think i watched that twice, its cool
Went out last night to see SIN CITY and OMG, I'll describe it in 6 words - THE BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME !!!

Totally mindblowing/brainscrambling/awesome - never took my eyes off the screen for a split second, completely gripping and riveting, never even spoke once during the film, and that's definitely no like me, don't yak all way through but usually say a few words. Very, very violent and 3 times I acutally went URGHHHHHH and I've never done that before. Once with the wolf and 2 times when something gets yanked right oot of someone - still sends a shiver up me spine. Truly a 100% total masterpiece and what a comeback for Mickey - brilliance at its best. I want to see it again and again and again. Trust me, there will never be a better film than Sin City.

Nightwar you'll be blown away by it - go see it RIGHT NOW!!!

Couple of good trailers as well - one called The Descent looks really good, another one called Nightwatch looks really creepy and another horror one called Dark Water looks right eerie as well. So many concerts to go to (seeing The Sabbath at The Ferry in 3 weeks) and so many good movies to see - AINT LIFE JUST GRAND :headbang:
Crusader - thanks for the Romero update! So it is actually happening!! I'm a huge 'Dead' fan and can't wait! I will check out the Web for news, but can you tell us anything about the story, actors etc. To be honest, I thought, Romero had directed his last film when he did 'The Dark Half'. I'm glad that I'm wrong!!
Your Royal Highness - thanks for the 'Sin City' review. Although I have never read the comic, the story attracted me from the very start - and I'm also a fan of Mr Rourke! What a come-back role, eh? Did you catch him on the Jonathan Ross show the other week? OK - Rourke has had plastic surgery and was a bit of a git back in the eighties, but he really has seemed to have learnt the error of his ways and I hope he gets the work he deserves.
I'm off to catch 'The League Of Gentlemen' Movie this weekend and then I will arrange to watch 'Sin City'.
Overall, it is a better than average Summer for films this year!
nightwar said:
Crusader - thanks for the Romero update! So it is actually happening!! I'm a huge 'Dead' fan and can't wait! I will check out the Web for news, but can you tell us anything about the story, actors etc. To be honest, I thought, Romero had directed his last film when he did 'The Dark Half'. I'm glad that I'm wrong!!

Click here for the cast list of land of the dead http://uk.imdb.com/title/tt0418819/

Click here to view george romero's website, there are photos from the new film on it ! http://www.georgearomero.com

Click here to view george romero's imdb page, listing every film he has made (so far) http://uk.imdb.com/name/nm0001681/
CRUSADER747 said:
I am also looking forward to the new George A Romero zombie film, which is going to be out later this year, Land Of The Dead

That's one film that I cannot wait to see as well Crusader. I just love all zombie movies, I mean they don't scare me or anything, but I think zombies just rock!!!! The Romero films are the best, totally amazing, and here's a wee trailer of Land of the Dead, which looks absolutely outstanding. Not sure when it's out here, the trailer's saying end June, so hopefully it'll be not too long before we can all get totally zombified. again.

We've only waited like 20 years for "Land of the Dead" !!!

It better be worth the wait !!!! Personally i think it will be..
Thanks for the info, Mr Crusader747! I will check out the links!

Like Our Royal Highness stated - Zombie movies are just excellent! Not scary - just awesome! There is something cool about a Zombie!
'Dawn' has to be my favourite, but like Valanx said, this current movie has taken soooo long to be created - let's hope it is all worth it!!
Paxoman said:
Just as well I saw the film before reading Princess of the night thread, because she gave the whole story away!

Ooops sorry about that folks, yeah I guess I did let the cat out the bag so to speak. Still an awesome ending wasn't it Paxo - that film rocked!!!!!
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
Ooops sorry about that folks, yeah I guess I did let the cat out the bag so to speak. Still an awesome ending wasn't it Paxo - that film rocked!!!!!

Yeah it was a good ending Princess, well it was a good film all round. It reminded me of the old fashioned horror films because it was quite scary in places! It wasn't just all gore, you could feel the tension!
After my unfortunate little fall which landed me in the ER on Thursday night, I've been stuck in bed for a few days and have been watching nothing but movies on DVD as I don't have cable TV.
My most memorable selection has been My Cousin Vinny. No matter how many times I watch this movie I always get a good laugh out of it. New Yorkers VS Southerners (particularly from Alabama) just makes for a funny story. I suppose one of my favorite parts is when he is asking about grits at the diner; I've known lots of foreigners and don't think I can recall anyone knowing about grits. Then again I don't know much about some of the foods that I will be encountering in my future home.
Over the weekend I've also watched Love Actually, Family Guy (the series), A. I., Pirates of the Carribean, and Close Encounters of the Third Kind (really old movie!).
I wanted to go out and see Cinderella Man ... but can't go out now. I will be seeing the new Star Wars film and War of the Worlds with Arkitex after I get to England----one week from Thursday!
Im looking forward to seeing that film 'Descent' i love me gore i do!!

I watched War of the Worlds last night, it was alright like..could of done with some gore, nudity and maybe an escaped serial killer to liven it up! Other than that it was ok, usual speilberg cheese with annoying kids and terrible ending etc. The Tripod aliens pwned though!!
I used to watch the T.V. series 'War Of The Worlds' in the early 1990's. It was quite good :)
It was on ITV at about 11:30pm one night a week, and i always got home from the pub just in time to watch it :kickass:

I thought about going to see the new film, but the fact that its a speilberg film put me off a bit, and its only a 12A certificate :(