What Films Did You Watch This Week

princess_of_the_night2112 said:

The Exorcism of Emily Rose isn't anything to do with The Exorcist - its based on a true story about some German girl who was possessed. I read the book years ago and it was quite scary. The trailers look fantastic - especially when she's lying on the floor all mangled up and totally possessed and the boyfriend thinks she's dead but then she suddenly opens her eyes and starts screaming - I very nearly jumped right out my skin. Another bit in the trailers is when she's in class and she looks round at this guy and all this black stuff starts pouring out of his eyes - it was horrible. I think this film will be superb.

That sounds f**king cool to me! And i would highly recommend again Exorcist: The Beggining, great films aye!

Tonight i might watch this http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0252649/ if i can be arsed!
Haven't seen Lost Voyage Emperor but if its anything like Ghost Ship, it will be cool. I enjoyed that film indeed. I love all scary, horror, murder, thriller films and the more ghosts, zombies, vampires, werewolves,monsters and aliens in it the better!!!
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
The Exorcist is probably my favourite film, it's just creeps me out bigtime. I still haven't seen Exorcist The Beginning yet but I'm going to get it out this weekend since its been recommended . Paxoman have you not seen the 4th episode of The Exorcist yet , here's a wee clip - it's terrifying, so you better have a fresh pair of boxers ready to change into lol!!!!quote]

By the 4th episode, do you mean Exorcist: The Beginning? Or is there another one out? I am getting well confused here! I saw the first two Exorcists films. Didn't even know there was a third one out, and haven't seen The Beginning yet. One day I'll watch all four films one after the other. I might even start off with The Beginning, seeing as it all started there!

Thanks for clearing the the Emily Rose film up, I didn't think it was connected to the Exocists films. But wasn't the original Exorcist film based on a true story? I shall go lie down in a darkened room now and give my brain a rest! :zzz:
Paxoman said:
By the 4th episode, do you mean Exorcist: The Beginning? Or is there another one out? I am getting well confused here! I saw the first two Exorcists films. Didn't even know there was a third one out, and haven't seen The Beginning yet. One day I'll watch all four films one after the other. I might even start off with The Beginning, seeing as it all started there!

Hahahahahaha hey I thought it was only me that was allowed to confuse everyone!!! I'm not sure if I've seen the second one but I've seen the first one loads of times and its superb and last night I watched The Exorcist The Beginning which was really good as well. Reasonably scary and when you find out which one is actually possessed it was a bit of a shocker and I loved the way the possessed one looked, quite terrifying really. What was the second Exorcist about, I probably did see it but I cant remember.

About the 4th Exorcist, I don't think there is one, that wee link was a cartoon version of The Exorcist with rabbits. I think it's quite funny but my SOH is warped sometimes!! Have a wee look, its cool:-

princess_of_the_night2112 said:
Hahahahahaha hey I thought it was only me that was allowed to confuse everyone!!! I'm not sure if I've seen the second one but I've seen the first one loads of times and its superb and last night I watched The Exorcist The Beginning which was really good as well. Reasonably scary and when you find out which one is actually possessed it was a bit of a shocker and I loved the way the possessed one looked, quite terrifying really. What was the second Exorcist about, I probably did see it but I cant remember.

About the 4th Exorcist, I don't think there is one, that wee link was a cartoon version of The Exorcist with rabbits. I think it's quite funny but my SOH is warped sometimes!! Have a wee look, its cool:-


I can't remember what the second one was about, but I seem to remember that it wasn't that good.

Haven't looked at that link yet, I shall look at it now.
Went to see Wallace & Gromit last night. Yeah it was pretty good, laughed quite a few times - kiss my artichoke lol and when the cop says 'It looks like arson - yeah someone been arsing around". Well worth seeing but as you all know I really do love my gore, so it would have been much better if there had been a few axe-wielding maniacs running around beheading people, a few psychos mutilating and torturing people would have been cool and I would really loved to have seen a few zombies in it as well, but with it being a kiddies film in all, it was not to be.

On DVD, I watched one called Mean Creek. This was a good wee film about the local fat bully and these kids decide to teach him a lesson, take him on a boating trip but the prank goes wrong and it ends up a bit tragic. Sort of slowish the film but I really enjoyed it, seeing how they come to terms with what happened and how they try to cover up and lie their way of if it. Not really much action but it was still pretty good, I would definitely give it a 7.5 out of 10.
We saw Kinky Boots and Wallace and Gromit last Friday. Kinky Boots was a good un...fell asleep during Wallace and Gromit though! I'm getting old, was up past my bedtime! :lol: Yeah, that arson joke made me laugh too! lol :)
Sammi951 said:
fell asleep during Wallace and Gromit though!

LOL Sammi, same here I nodded off for about 5 mins - don't think I've ever done that at the cinema before but it was all SAXON's fault cos I'd just seen them the night before and I was still feeling a bit drained and still slightly hung over.
This week i spent £80 on two DVD box sets containing every episode of the 1970's action T.V series 'The Protectors'.
Back in 1983 Yorkshire Television repeated the series, and it was my favourite programme at the time.
22 years later, im really enjoying watching it again :worship:
The new freeview channel 'ITV4' (which opens on tuesday) is showing an episode at 6pm on friday 4th november.
I would definitely recommend watching it :headbang:
Hey Crusader,the guy who directed the dead films is going to be at the nec on the 26 and 27 of November.There will be some of the stars from the films.Its £10 to get in.
WILKS said:
Hey Crusader,the guy who directed the dead films is going to be at the nec on the 26 and 27 of November.There will be some of the stars from the films.Its £10 to get in.

Thanks for the info
but unfortunatly i can't go :erk:

As Birmingham is a long way away, i would have to book a b+b for the night, and i would have to fork out for train tickets and buses e.t.c (phew, im feeling tired just thinking about it lol). If i could drive it would be easy to get down there, but i don't (hated trying to learn, so i gave up trying years ago). :bah:
Watched Doom the other night, not as bad as i thought it would be, not as scary as playing Doom 3 but it had decent action, the fps scene is really cool
I have just bought 'Undead' on dvd (as recomended by Valanx).
I haven't watched it yet, but i have got a week of work in a couple of weeks time, so i think i will watch it late one night when im off work :kickass:
I will let you know what i thought of it (the trailer is very good so im sure i will like it) :zombie: :zombie: :zombie: :zombie: :zombie: :zombie:
On DVD watched Ring2 the other night there. Thought the first Ring was great but this one was pretty average. Not scary one bit, in the first one when I first saw the wee lassie coming out the telly and the well, I very near bricked it, but in this one she just looks gay. Only give it a 5 out of 10, in fact if you haven't seen it, don't bother wasting your money. Not scary at all and too much like the first one.

Can't remember if I told youse that I watched Exorcist The Beginning which was excellent, so the other night there watched Exorcist Dominion which was good as well but not scary in the slightest. But again both these films are very similar, both in Africa on this archeological dig where they uncover this buried church - both good films and well worth watching - but really was wanting some blood and gore. None at all really.

Next film at the cinema I'm desperate to see is Saw2 - heard its awash with blood & gore, so sounds right up my street.
the film '0605' about the complot behind the killing/murder of Pim Fortuyn, who certainly would have become the Prime Minister in the Netherlands. He was a kind of 'dutch' John F. Kennedy... The regisseur of this film Theo van Gogh was killed a year ago by an muslim extremist. These events always do remember me of the Saxon-Song .. Dallas 1 pm, so realistic...
Still haven't managed to get to the cinema to see Saw yet but this Saturday I am going to see HARRY POTTER and I can't bloody well wait. Harry Potter rocks bigtime and this latest film looks the best yet. Hopefully will get to see Saw early next week.