What forum do you post in?

Both Opeths are my "home", but I go on Intorduce Yourself, Chat, Arch Enemy, Forest Stream, and Katatonia. I check out here, Musicians Discussion, Pop Culture, and Elitist Records.

Outside of UM I go to TotalRock, Thales, Farmakon, and Metalhammer (to check for bands in Nottingham).
General music discussion (this board), chat, pop culture, non-metal, Trade, Opeth & sometimes The Iron Maidens.
I also post a little on Roadrunner's In the Pit, but it's very rarely I do that anymore, as it's been flooded with stupid & uninteresting posts like "Is anybody here? I'm bored", "Warboy is a faggot" (or feggot as it's called there) and shit like that. There's also so many threads that if you post something and you come back the next day to see if anybody has replied it's in page 15 or something. There's not a search engine, so it's hard to find it again.
I also post a little on a Danish page called Rapspot. It was a page I posted a lot on when I listened to hip hop around 4 years ago, but I don't post that much there anymore. Maybe a little out of loyalty and if there's a discussion that I can participate in (talking about sampling, old music, mp3's and shit like that).
Opeth/Chat/Off Topic
The End Records

I'm trying to expand my horizens though. :)
*scratches head*

I'm sorry, but I find it hilarious that half of you didn't mention this forum while posting in it as a reply to "Whats Forums do you post in?"


Anyway thus far General Music and Chat mainly...
Originally posted by ProphesizedDoom
*scratches head*

I'm sorry, but I find it hilarious that half of you didn't mention this forum while posting in it as a reply to "Whats Forums do you post in?"


Anyway thus far General Music and Chat mainly...

Same here, though I have posted on the Megadeth, Carcass and Faith No More boards.
Well let's see

My main home is the Symphony X board :D the other forums that I call home are:
General Music Discussion
Musicians Discussion
Opeth board (sometimes)

that's all I can remember right now :p
At UM:

Appropriate Apocalypse Forum (without a doubt the most intelligent forum, music wise)
General Discussion
The End Records

Outside of UM:

Satan Stole My Teddybear forum
This one
The Crown
Arch Enemy(I hardly post though)
The End Records
Musicians Discussion(I hardly post though)