What genre is Katatonia?

I'll try to escape from your question's claws by quoting Anders :grin:

"Heavy music with a dark and morose edge"
Okay, you won :)
I could ramble myself into infinity now by trying to push Katatonia into a genre, so I wanna keep it in a more or less fitting nutshell.

To my ears Kata's "new" style is gloomy rock music with doom-drenched roots that makes you feel uneasy through constant (and yet dynamic) riff-waves, a slightly Tool-influenced voice and pulsating drums.

Hmm...at least I tried :lol:
Hmmmmmmm, Gothic Doom?

They will probably always be doom in my eyes, they just fit my definition of doom (& I've been into them since BMD, I can still see ties with that album). My definition of doom is quite a broad one though.......

They also now have a reasonably strong 'alternative' and 'rock' influence, so it's getting harder to describe them in a couple of words, but when in doubt, I go with doom :D
i'd have to say rap influenced rock with nu-metal/r 'n' b cross over with a smooth and youthful Jackson 5 voice style.:D , this was one of my first questions after listening to the album, its always put in the HMV metal section but could so easily be put into the rock section too. i can never understand why Kata dont have a larger fan base, but i do like the fact that every time i mention them people think of the welsh band:eek:
And god I love this album!! It is sooo good

You have taste :grin:
Then you'll want to lay your hands on the Teargas EP 'cause "Sulfur" and "March 4" are in no way inferior to those LFDGD-songs.
I've been listening and I definitely wouldn't describe this as doom - its far to fast and upbeat surely?

Cheers MDG, I was thinking of getting BMD next. Is that similar to LFDGD? Stoopid HMV in Cambridge only has Tonight Decision. IS that one good?
Katatonia is Katatonia.
Why the fuck u need the style name?
Gothic? Yes, offcourse - Gothic
Metal? Yes, kinda - Metal
U know than Katatonia plays as Dan Swano?
Bullshit, its Dan whos playing in Nightingale as Katatonia?
Great music w/o frontiers, great mood w/o frontiers.
We like Katatonia cauz its outta trends.... and fuck off all genres!
So when someone asks you what type of music is this? you don't have to say - well its like this band, but not really, and its a bit like them. The same reason we have ne genres, so you'll know roughly what type of music it is. Over - generising (is that a word?) Is pointless and anal yes, but a general label can be extremely useful
Cheers MDG, I was thinking of getting BMD next. Is that similar to LFDGD? Stoopid HMV in Cambridge only has Tonight Decision. IS that one good?

Hehe, yeah, I believe _Transparent_ mentioned that at London's HMV "Tonight´s Decision" is offered for eight pounds, yet no one grabs it. Weird indeed.
I admit it's not easy to get into this one, but it's worth the effort. (What else should I say? ;) ) When given a chance, TD spreads a very special atmosphere of weariness and foreboding.
Hmm...if I confirm BMD is similar to LFDGD, I'll be derided. No, it's not. :grin:
"Brave Murder Day" is probably THE classic in Kata's discography, it is a must for those who love Mikael's grunts and Kata's independent sound, as they merge on this album.
In my opinion getting BMD next is a good idea 'cause it's an easier way to become familiar with Kata than going backwards in chronological order.

However, good luck :)
They are probably "we're not palm muting even if it kills us" kind of metal :grin: