What happened to "A Fleeting Glimps" and the "Intro"?

Hmm strange interview, you know. And it looks "Americanized", you know. :) There's 'you know' after everything that's being said, you know. And I can't imagine Vinny really talks like that, you know.

You want to tell everybody about it, you want to say 'listen to this!' you know, 'listen to this!', you know, because you love it.
Horrible, you know :lol:
Cerulean said:
Hmm strange interview, you know. And it looks "Americanized", you know. :) There's 'you know' after everything that's being said, you know. And I can't imagine Vinny really talks like that, you know.

Horrible, you know :lol:

dont worry, you know :grin:
its a real one, I have it in audio also and am sure is vincent or not ? :eek: , shame that the audio file doesnt work anymore.
more scouse gits
