What happened to Album Survivor?


Time to Play
May 11, 2003
Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A.
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Weren't there 3 albums left? I haven't seen anything in a while. I know NNF was upset about the voting off of Volume 8, but i thought you'd finish the poll anyhow, bud. I think you're enroute to Edmonton this week? Or was that last week. Anyways, anybody know if we're done with album survivor?
Yeah, that's NFF's department, and he's not known to stop a poll series just because it isn't going the way he wants it to. He's not just settling into his new place, he's starting a job he was very nervous about getting. I'm sure he's got more important things (God forbid!! :) ) going on at the moment, but being the post-whore that he is, he'll come back with a vengeance and we'll all be sorry we asked. :)