what happened to the chat room?

The server is down as far as i can see.
I don't think youre doing something wrong, either Mark forgot to fix the prob, or he closed it for good (which i dearly hope is not the case :err: ). :(
Someone should ask Mark, and if that's the case we should make another one..
there is another explanation, i.e., mark's still working on it. however, i think something could be arranged on another server as soon as the holiday season is over.
i'd be happy to take care of registering and so on - at least this time there will be no restrictions as to who is allowed to do what - but i think i'd rather call it a dark tranquillity channel (regularly visited by chupi ppl from everywhere, much like this board) if it's all the same for you.

and this thread served the purpose to show me iceman is not a bot. :p

i miss the chat, too.
hopefully it'll back soon but in the meanwhile we could meet somewhere else. undernet would do, what do you think?
thank you. :)
is it possible to know whether there will be any sort of rules/hierarchy regarding the channel and the server? some users (me included) felt a little uncomfortable with one user having registered the channel and thus being able to decide what was allowed and what wasn't. i guess we'd rather like if you - who are paying for the server - were in command or, better yet, if the thing was completely free (i.e., no restrictions on topics, no pyramid-like hierarchy using chanserv and so on).

hope your comeback after the wedding is not too shocking and the powerful gears of ultimatemetal are well-oiled. ;)

If you mean can anyone register any channel they like, I'd prefer they didn't. I have the IRC server there for our convenience, but don't want it becoming a full-blown network...

As for the DT channel, if the DT guys have a problem with who registered it, they should drop me a line :) I won't be able to do anything til next week though, as I'm currently on shitty dialup!
actually, i was referring to the ultimatemetal channel, who was registered while you where away, hence the restrictions on topics and more. i agree with no channel being registered as the perfect policy, i guess. :)

the channel's topics. at some point one suggested a controversial topic and the guy who registered the channel decided it was not good, so he changed it and locked the topics-setting for a time. then he implemented something that made changing topics more difficult (i.e., you had to register something or other, etc.).
i'd like all these settings to be free for everyone to manipulate at their whim or ultimatemetal promotion-centred (since you have all the rights to set fixed topics about this site and the many good things it offers).

@Mark: Hmm i remember people were allowed to register channels after taking your permission. Will this still be the case or no registered channels at all?
And if the DT guys have any problem with the DT channel i will be glad to give it to them or drop it :cry: :D