What has everydone to spread the word about SX?


Learning to Live
Aug 11, 2002
Manchester, UK
When I first found out about SX no-one else had heard of them in my area.

I knew this was totally crap for a band of SXs caliber...

So through a few music shops (I have mates working in them!!) I had them constantly play DWOT 8hrs a day to spread the word for a couple of weeks...

Can tell you the word spread so quickly I know the HMV in my area sold out in a week of all SX albums!!!

Have you guys done anything to preach SXs brilliance to the masses?
My sphere of influence only reaches my one friend who likes prog music, since I introduced him to it (he's not a musician, so that's got to count for something, right?).

He's now a big Symphony X fan. Based upon my recommendation alone, he went out and bought V and fell in love with their music and went out and bought everything he could.

That's it, but I sure as hell talk about them a lot!
I don't force any music to anyone.
If I notice that someone's into Prog and hasn't heard of Symphony X yet, I ask whether they'd like a taster to check them out. And then I hope that they like and appreciate them too. If they don't it's their choice. But as for SX, I try to mention them as often as possible, because SX deserve anything that shifts them "up there"!
A friend of mine worked at Shell...
When the boss was not around I took my records and played Symphony X and other infamous bands :D (have had some positive reactions, and some negative)
I too lend my records to people who would like to know the kind of music I listen...or give them an earplug if I am listening at the moment. It turns out that there are a lot of people who like Symphony X, but just never heard of them, especially songs like "The Accolade".
But hey...spreading the word :)

I spread the word from my friends car with a cool sound system that we just blast the music. I also say check this band out and give them a cdr of one of their cds. The second method works better though :)