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Aug 30, 2002
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Well... today for the first time, I have heard the karaoke version of Moonshield. Thank God IF has dissapointed me before, had this been the first time I would have probably shot myself in the head. Ever since Colony this band has not been the same. Don't get me wrong, I love Colony... Clayman took me a while to get used to... R2R I was bearly getting into then I heard that atrocity. What the f*ck was that???? I don't know what the band was thinking, but it was a serious kick to the ass to me. It's a shame that great death metal is no longer made, but what this band has become is just wrong.
Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the forum time machine! in this thread, we nag about things many members have nagged about a long time ago!
There should just be some sort of sticky thread that stays at the top (for the people who wanna bitch to their hearts' content), but even then, I don't think that would solve anything...
i'm right with you, i'm getting this hardcore mixed with this mall metal vibe from the new stuff - I can hear it in the music and even see it in the way they dress (not that i care about how any band dresses, it merely supports my claim) i really don't want to say "give me another whoracle" or anything like that...bands need to grow, evolve etc but I think IF have taken too much to the younger emo/mall metal crowd than i would like to hear

it's just my opinion, don't be too brutal
Well all bands change as they go on. Each take new paths because things change.

If In Flames kept releasing Jester Race esque cds then they would be labeled as generic music and no one would give fuck about them. Its lose lose for them anymore it seems.
If youre assuming that in flames is mall metal or hardcore because they wear t-shirts and cargo shorts...then id suggest you get a life. Besides, what may be considered a mall metal uniform in the USA, may JUST be clothing to in flames? besides, im a metalhead and classic/progressive rock junky...but i wear gucci and hugo boss...youd never be able to tell. stop judging books by their cover eh?

and as for the stupid ignorant bastard that started this thread...had you payed any attention to any interview in flames has given since the trigger EP's release, then youd know this song was strictly a tongue in cheek joke song they did for fun...which is what they said.

some people...i swear :bah:
I had a good laugh listening to Moonshield C64.
i hope if takes a reroute to tjr, i also hope spiderman comes to my house and reads me a bedtime story from one of his comic books, let the ladder half be the more likely
LordHypnos said:
im a metalhead and classic/progressive rock junky...but i wear gucci and hugo boss...youd never be able to tell. stop judging books by their cover eh?

Heh, I wear Gap and J-Crew and shit, I totally prep it out man but I love In Flames, Soilwork, Children Of Bodom, At The Gates, etc. Whenever I go to school I'm always preppin' it out and most of the time when I go out too. But metal and music are my life.