azal love is the answer Nov 12, 2002 10,888 16 38 43 Belgrade, Serbia Visit site May 17, 2006 #21 "canker" is pretty much the ugliest word ever.
Josh Seipp Member Nov 19, 2003 2,992 1 38 47 Baltimore Visit site May 17, 2006 #22 wait, are you saying these sores are TOO GOOD FOR MY MOUTH?? why I never. EVER.
azal love is the answer Nov 12, 2002 10,888 16 38 43 Belgrade, Serbia Visit site May 17, 2006 #23 maybe it's the clap dude. sayin
goatschool Member Sep 12, 2002 6,729 5 38 May 17, 2006 #24 "hey nick, i hate to do this to you, but can you run a CD and drawings down to the printer" after i've passed the printer and after it's been conveyed that the person who could have brought the drawings is higher on the ladder. eat the canker.
"hey nick, i hate to do this to you, but can you run a CD and drawings down to the printer" after i've passed the printer and after it's been conveyed that the person who could have brought the drawings is higher on the ladder. eat the canker.
goatschool Member Sep 12, 2002 6,729 5 38 May 17, 2006 #25 "hey nick, do you dig graves?"
goatschool Member Sep 12, 2002 6,729 5 38 May 17, 2006 #26 nick: "yeah, they're all right"
chupe666 You may enter up to 25 ch Apr 11, 2002 7,348 4 38 50 Where you live May 17, 2006 #27
Josh Seipp Member Nov 19, 2003 2,992 1 38 47 Baltimore Visit site May 17, 2006 #28 jesus dude what kind of shoddy operation are you working for??? azal: nah they are a manifestation of ulcerative colitis
jesus dude what kind of shoddy operation are you working for??? azal: nah they are a manifestation of ulcerative colitis
chupe666 You may enter up to 25 ch Apr 11, 2002 7,348 4 38 50 Where you live May 17, 2006 #29 (wtg that boy has old school horror movie demon eyes)
goatschool Member Sep 12, 2002 6,729 5 38 May 17, 2006 #30 this is what's up with me, lately: burly construction dude: "nick, you're the non-confrontational type i'm guessing, right?"
this is what's up with me, lately: burly construction dude: "nick, you're the non-confrontational type i'm guessing, right?"
Helm Maybe on Luna Mar 30, 2002 1,092 0 36 May 17, 2006 #31 That picture makes me feel love.
chupe666 You may enter up to 25 ch Apr 11, 2002 7,348 4 38 50 Where you live May 17, 2006 #32 future Immortal drummer right there. Supreme Nordic Supremacy
Helm Maybe on Luna Mar 30, 2002 1,092 0 36 May 17, 2006 #33 Immortal will get back together just for that.
Josh Seipp Member Nov 19, 2003 2,992 1 38 47 Baltimore Visit site May 18, 2006 #34 burly construction dude: "nick, you're the non-confrontational type i'm guessing, right?" nick: "sure, whatever you say, man."
burly construction dude: "nick, you're the non-confrontational type i'm guessing, right?" nick: "sure, whatever you say, man."
azal love is the answer Nov 12, 2002 10,888 16 38 43 Belgrade, Serbia Visit site May 19, 2006 #35 nick, you should have stabbed him in the neck with a pencil.
goatschool Member Sep 12, 2002 6,729 5 38 May 19, 2006 #36 he would have broken me in half with his bare hands, but not a bad idea.