What headphones do you use for outdoor use?


how do mix ¯\(°_o)/¯
Oct 7, 2008
Hey guys,

In the recent event that my koss portapros just died, I need something to replace them.

Im thinking of some Audio-Technica ATH-AD700. But i'm not sure how stuipid i'll look walking around with full size headphones outside. lol.


What do you use for headphones, when walking around listening to your ipod/mp3 player?
I just use a pair of Skullcandy Full Metal Jacket in-ears. They sound alright, at first I thought they were a bit dull but I'm accustomed to it now. Definitely much better than a pair of iPod headphones or something and they are very comfortable. I used to use my DT770s but it's ridiculously unnecessary :lol: as long as they sound "good enough" I'm happy, the portability, comfort and convenience factor is more important to me than reference quality sound when it comes to just casual iPod listening.
Im thinking of some Audio-Technica ATH-AD700. But i'm not sure how stuipid i'll look walking around with full size headphones outside. lol.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, don't become "that guy"!!!!!!!!!!! :erk:

Fuck it, sound fidelity has to take second fiddle to comfort, practicality, and price with outdoor headphones, cuz there's always so much background noise obscuring the details anyway. I just use the generic headphones with the band that goes around the back of your neck
ATH-ES7s outside are ace, really. I made my friend buy one pair for portable and home use and he couldn't be happier; good, fun but still detailed sound.
I'd get them instead of the AD700s which I made another one of my friends buy for music and pc gaming use if you wish to use them outside, they have a fairly good isolation too!
I like in-ear headphones right now I'm using some shitty ones I got from a sketchy Chinese computer store for $6. Before that I got some from Walmart for $20 that were very surprisingly good until the wire broke. I recently got some Panasonic ones that looked good in design and specs (8hz-23kHz!) but were fucking terrible, also $20. In ear headphones should give you a concussion from bass, and these were fucking lame tinny garbage. I returned those fuckers the same week.

I like the in-ear ones because they block out a lot of background noise and usually sound very decent, not flat but enjoyable to listen on. I usually get cheap ones so it's not devastating when they break sooner than you think.

I like my ATH-M30s but they hurt my ear cartilage if I wear them for longer than 15 minutes. Too bulky too.

Check out Audio Technica or AKG or Shure for good in-ear headphones.
You have to be kidding... so many degrees of *ick* - weird attempts at 'bass', even more direct eardrum rape than headphones (which can already be bloody horrible *before* they're shoved into your head), and of course the fun of cleaning the buggers to stop ear infections from happening...

And for anyone that knows how to use a q-tip they work great.

Jeff, the fact that they isolate better than earbuds and sends the music into your ears rather than just blasting it in all directions (like the shit iPod ones) means you don't have to turn them up even half as loud.

well I donno... I've been seeing a bunch of cool cats down at the University of Cinci walkin around with full size headphones. Maybe it's hip, now?