what if...?


Bassist Member
Feb 12, 2002
Sao Paulo
Hey Steve,

I've heard that Warrel Dane was going to sing for Control Denied originally, do you know if it's true??

But anyway what I was going to say is that I think that it would be killer if Warrel could sing with Tim in the upcoming Control Denied album, would that be possible?? I think Tim is an excellent singer, but I also like very very much Warrel's voice, so I think that it would be so cool if they could divide the vocal duties... I don't know if Warrel would do it, but, if you have contact with him and you all think it would be OK, do it man... This will be THE metal album, no doubt, if it is a 'next step' after the Sound Of Perseverance and The Fragile Art Of Existence...

Cheers dude!!
I think CD would sound much better with Warrel on vox. No offense to Tim, but I really never dug that 80's style he uses. Anyway, I just read on blabbermouth that Jane Schuldiner said the next CD album will definitely be made, it's just a matter of when. So, that's good news 'cause she never said it was a sure thing before.