Best Bass riffs in metal.


New Metal Member
Sep 6, 2002
Las Vegas, NV
I'm curious on knowing what some people think are some of the best bass lines/fills/riffs in metal. A cool riff I've been listening to latley is in the song Burning by Demigod. I'm also constantly listening to the little bass solo type thign steve does on the song The Fragile Art of Existence on the Control Denied album. But I think that whole album has a lot of great and unique fills.

I'd like to know some songs other than Death Control Denied and Sadus that have some really cool bass lines.

Another song that comes to mind is the intro of Souls of Black by Testament. And Words of War by Sadus has some cool lines.
let's go for the archetypes first...what about "My Generation" from the Who? - First Bass Solo in a Rock-context ever?
What about some early Rush, Yes or Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath?
Some recent stuff: Spiral Architect - quite a lot of cool riffs but I choose "Insect" since it is quite remarkable...

OK - your turn...
Some Sabbath killer riffs:

* NIB (that solo is KILLER!!)
* Fairies Wear Boots
* War Pigs

The most interesting thing is that Geezer always plays lines incredibly different from the guitar, always sounding way cool, pay attention to what he plays in the beginning of Fairies Wear Boots, before the mainf riff enters. Wow.
Cool Bass Crap In Metal:

Suffocation-The Invoking

Cryptopsy-Soar and Envision Sore Vision
- Phobophile
-Slit Your Guts

Anything by Spiral Architect
Anything by Steve (Except Testament stuff because you can NEVER hear him)

I had planned to write all the cool metal stuff I knew but there is literally too much stuff.
Up your bum.

P.S. Greatest Bass Part EVER is on Nothing Is Everything by Death
Spiral Architect have some nice stuff definitely... in Cloud Constructor when the bass plays along with the guitar solo... that kicks ass...

But the bassline that sticks in my head the most, is at the start of Severed by Mudvayne.

Simple, groovy... I just can't forget that bastard...
Not a bass player myself, but I always liked the bass lines in old Queensryche records ... speciafically OPERATION and EMPIRE (Jet City Woman especially)
cannibal corpse on, hammer smashed face and in staring through the eyes of the dead......
some bass riffs on Gorgoroth´s Antichrist is great to......
from death´s sound of perseverance to ............

but I still think that gezzer is the master....N.I.B. perfect
Some cool lines from Steve Harris:

* The Prisioner
* Sanctuary
* 23:58
* Invaders
* Killers (wow)
* Wrathchild
* Bah, the whole Killers album
* Powerslave
* and many others
The opening strains of "Cygnus X-1" or the bass solos in "YYZ" by Geddy Lee of Rush. "Rhyme of the ancient mariner" by Iron Maiden was always one of my personal favorites. Although their not metal, YES albums have some of the best bass work ever !!!

And, without a doubt, "Hammer smashed face" by Cannibal Corpse.