Best metal bass metal bass player...

Im totaly surprised that nobody haven't ention about Erlend Caspersen...he was/is working with bands like:
-Spawn Of Possession
-Blood Red Throne
-Decrepit Birth
-Hideous Deformity
-Carpathian Forest
-The Alseeing I
-Deeds Of Flesh
Alex Webster himself said that Caspersen is the most talented young bass player these days. Check him out if you haven't done it yet. He have got youtube channel, look up for bajskung.
I'd say one bassist who has been much overlooked is "Nefarious" from Macabre. Check out some of his stuff -

I just think this guy is immensely underrated as is the whole band. I love his ability to make a really catchy bass line OVER a really catchy guitar line, all while playing backdrop to songs about serial killers.

He has tons of great performances, but you have to really sit down and listen to a whole album to get the full picture.
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