What in the hell happened to the Thraxsquad story!?

I offer myself as Ty's right-hand-man in the bloodbath.
What happened to the story?
We want answers!

It's sad when conversations about oral sex, pubic hair, sex toys, anti-Ian, anti-Bush, bar fights, illegal drugs, drunken binges, Britney's virginity (or complete lack thereof), pro-Belladonna, and all forms of bodily functions are allowed to stay but mention two people who aren't even in Anthrax (one who never was), and people start hiding.

You guys are men; where are your balls?
It's one thing to take down a post that blatantly says "Billy Milano is fat loser" or "Lilker smokes pot." Or the one with a pic of Scott and some remarks about his ethnicity. But there was no need to delete a fun filled work of fiction that merely mentioned Milano, and if anything made light of the situation. Nobody reads this fucking board besides the handful of us that find it fun and amusing, so if you get your dicks hard by deleting every posts that mentions Billy Milano because Charlie wanted the posts last week taken down then I say "lame" The post you took down was doing nothing to perpetuate the Milano Anthrax fued, but by taking down every mention of Milano, I think you will help perpetuate nazi like censorship. From my keyboard to your monitor:"Fuck off." Metal is supposed to be fun. Obviously, some of us don't like fun.
You mocked yourself with such an asinine self glorifying statment. If you read my earlier posts, I can understand why some posts were deleted, in fact Justin and I discussed it. However, it is not necessary to delete every post that mentions milano. I particularly objected to that post with the thrax squad being deleted, and since we live in a free country I am exercising my right to bitch about it. Right now, to be honest with you, I am debating about whether or not to become the board prick and really fucking this place up, or simply never posting here again. Which is something I'd hate to do since I have been posting since the fanbase.com days. I never thought some powerhungry fans would begin acting like cheeseballs when they became "Mods."
>>You mocked yourself with such an asinine self glorifying statment. <<<

in what way was it self glorifying? i'm a moderator on this board. i said i was a moderator.

>>>If you read my earlier posts, I can understand why some posts were deleted, in fact Justin and I discussed it.
However, it is not necessary to delete every post that mentions milano. <<<

you can go back thru the posts and see that i did not delete every post that mentioned on Mr. William Milano. we took care of the ones that were derogatory.

>>>I particularly objected to that post with the thrax squad being deleted, and since we live in a free country I am exercising my right to bitch about it. <<<


>>>Right now, to be honest with you, I am debating about whether or not to become the board prick and really fucking this place up, or simply never posting here again. Which is something I'd hate to do since I have been posting since the fanbase.com days.<<<


>>>I never thought some powerhungry fans would begin acting like cheeseballs when they became "Mods."<<<

once again, i was asked to do something. and i did it. i stand by my desicion.
Originally posted by TD
It's one thing to take down a post that blatantly says "Billy Milano is fat loser" or "Lilker smokes pot." Or the one with a pic of Scott and some remarks about his ethnicity. But there was no need to delete a fun filled work of fiction that merely mentioned Milano, and if anything made light of the situation. Nobody reads this fucking board besides the handful of us that find it fun and amusing, so if you get your dicks hard by deleting every posts that mentions Billy Milano because Charlie wanted the posts last week taken down then I say "lame" The post you took down was doing nothing to perpetuate the Milano Anthrax fued, but by taking down every mention of Milano, I think you will help perpetuate nazi like censorship. From my keyboard to your monitor:"Fuck off." Metal is supposed to be fun. Obviously, some of us don't like fun.

1. I did not read the post so I do not know what was in it. However, it doesn't seem "fair" to me if we deleted posts talking shit about Anthrax by Milano fans but kept posts mocking Milano up.
2. There used to be a time when the word "Nazi" meant something. Deleting a post on a privately operated message board is NOT "Nazi censorship." As a private organization, we can do something like that. We are not the government. And I don't recall killing millions of innocent people. I don't go around calling everyone a Nazi who wants to infringe on my right to keep and bear arms a Nazi just because Hitler once said, "The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing."
3. Nothing was deleted because it contained Danny Lilker. If it happened to be in a post with Milano, it was deleted for the Milano content. I explained this to Danny's wife too.
4. We let tons of stuff that has nothing to do with Anthrax stay on the board. "My cell phone has a vibrator mode" and "going to work with a hangover" come to mind.
5. You sound so macho talking about getting our dicks hard. I'm sure Steve would rather not delete anything at all.
There was nothing in the post in question that was soooooo horrible that it needed to be removed IMHO. Like I mentioned Justin, I agreed with some of the posts being taken down, this particular post presented Mr. Milano in a funny manner, and it was a comic book parody for Christ's sake. You guys are way too anal, and take things way to literal.......I for one am having *fun* and that should be why we are here.
And obviously my earlier point was missed as well. Go back and read it.

You want to delete stuff that's non-Anthrax?? Go right ahead. I personally don't give a shit anymore, and I don't think I'm alone in feeling that way, either.

I just never thought that Milano would have such an impact on an ANTHRAX board. What a load.
Yeah I agree with ya Brat! But I tell you what, if we let the "moderators" take down everything non-Anthrax, then this board would be fucked. I was gonna issue an "i'm sorry" to the mod's for any degrading remarks, but since they are so quick to point out that the O/T threads can be "deleted" because they have *power* I will continue to be an ass. I hope they notice the topics that are off topic are usually the longest, funnest threads. This board doesn't have to be a discussion of all things Anthrax, how much can we talk about a band??? However, it should be a place for Anthrax fans to "hang out" and post all the messages they want. A community of Anthrax fans. How about adding a "non-Anthrax" board. Let's see which one gets more hits. Either way it's all a bunch of hullabaloo.