What invention are you?


Kovenant84 is a walking stick that's oak-panelled, tracks its position with GPS and is smaller than a matchbox.

its kinda boring tho...

so if I use my AIM sn...

Hedon ex Nihilo is a business card that remembers all of its past actions, disinfects work surfaces and lasts for up to a week.

a little better... at least i do something now...

~Kovenant (Kovenant is a microwave! It is biodegradable!)
to anyone that might be reading:

peponaki is a wireless network device that clamps to your wrist! It is made of solid gold and never needs repairing.

fathervic ( :spin: )
tonight i'm an office whiteboard that doubles as a digital camera! It has a human brain inside and plays MP3s.

chupi.....apart from the humna brain part :p
hyena is a penknife that can be implanted into the arm!

h (weapons. obviously.)