What is a fanboy?


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
There's been a fair bit of fanboy talk on here of late, but I've never been sure exactly what a fanboy is. I have never used the term because I don't like to use words if I don't know the proper meaning, as then I'd sound like a footballer.

So is a fanboy someone who is unable to view a band with a critical eye, reckons everything they do is good, gives them hero worship etc?

When Machine Head were coming out me and (I think) Blitzy were saying how we were looking forward to the tour, and someone called us fanboys. I found it a tad strange, as I was as critical of MH as anyone during their crap period.
Fanboys are people that lap anything from their favourite band up. They always defend them even if they're in the wrong, etc.

I'm a Metallica fanboy ;)
I don't think I'm a fanboy of any band. I thought I might have been a Glenn Hughes fanboy, but I HATED his DVD and get really annoyed when he does those silly bird calls during "Coast to Coast" on Burning Japan Live.

I'm obviously not a Maiden fanboy.

So no, I think I can safely call myself unfanboyish.
I could be classed as a Dream Theater fanboy... But I truely do believe that they don't have a bad song in their catalogue... Meybe You Not Me... But I don't even really mind that song. Better than 99% of other crap our there.
I don't think I'm a fanboy of any band then, which is nice. Yeah I thought Opeth had a few fanboys. It's a shame really, as it didn't use to be like that.

Sweet, I'm gonna start using the word fanboy willy-nilly now.
I still don't get it.

Why is it not cool to be a fan of a band? Now we're supposed to have an unenthusiastic "oh I listen to them a bit, but I'm not a real fan or anything" attitude about bands, or we're... geeks or something?

Screw that.

When I met Derek Sherinian I went into total "fanboy" mode for the first minute or so. "Oh my god! I can't believe it's you" etc... before i regained my cool somewhat and managed a normal conversation. So fucking what though, Derek Sherinian is a god, and I don't see the point in pretending to be unimpressed. And if I'd managed to meet Toumas after the Nightwish gig I would have been a bit cooler but still would have told the guy i think he's a genius and 'thanks for coming down here to play for us'.

Or wait... hang on - I just had the image of obnoxious types who would monopolise the dude for half an hour going on and on about how great they are and not letting other more polite / considerate people get a chance...

if that's the sort of people we're bagging out then yeah, count me in.
Being ecstatic to meet a musical hero isn't being a fanboy. Being a fanboy is when a band does something stupid, or releases something shit, but still thinking it's brilliance. Basically someone who'll defend even the mildest criticism of their favourite band, or who think their band can do no wrong.
Yes, but when the term starts getting thrown around when it shouldn't is when someone defends something they actually do like, not just because they are being a suck, and the person they are defending against won't comprehend that the other person may like it.

Regarding Maiden, yes I stick up for Dance Of Death, because I think it is a great album, but I will be the first in line to say how much I dislike a song like Can I Play With Madness, or the repetition of The Mercenary, or how I think Heaven Can Wait is way overated, etc. If I was a fanboy, I would think the band could do no wrong, obviously that isn't so.

If I am a fanboy of anything, it is probably Nintendo, but even still, I am able to see their weaknesses and bag them out, and see the advantages of their competitors.

I am a bit of a Metallica fanboy as well.
Nintendo > All

Metallica > All

me and Blitzy have a lot in common.

It's not that I like stuff Metallica does just for the sake of it being Metallica, by the way, I'm a fanboy because I actually adore everything they've done and I can't get enough of them. I believe they can do no wrong, because to me, they haven't done anything even remotely wrong yet. Of course, I think I'm in the minority with that one ;)
I would be a nasum a fanboy, but I can understand why you wouldn't like them. That's because if you don't like nasum you are a homosexual capitalist, and I can tolerate that.
I think if anything I'm a Steve Coogan fanboy, but then that man has done no wrong that I've seen son far. There are at least three people on here who'd know who he is.....