What is a fanboy?

There was a massive turd in a toilet at work today. I pushed the full flush button but it didn't go away. It wasn't floating. It was wedged.

I used a different toilet. I feel sorry for the cleaner.
NICE ONE .............Your work has a Phantom shitter as well.....gee that is refreshing to know that he just dos'nt hang them only in Canberra
Just before I started at CBA, some mystery person had wiped fecal matter on the toilet walls. It must have happened more than once, because management threatened to DNA-test everyone to see who it belonged to.

The strangest thing about it? It was in the girls toilets.
we have a problem in our toilets of people wiping snot on the walls, it doesn't come off and ruins the paint.
Spiff said:
Just before I started at CBA, some mystery person had wiped fecal matter on the toilet walls. It must have happened more than once, because management threatened to DNA-test everyone to see who it belonged to.
We had that problem in high school, which is a little more understandable. Happening in a place of business is much more peculiar....and disturbing.
I must be close to a Bruce Dickinson fanboy then. I can't think of anything he has done wrong musically!

I remember the internet used to be a pretty friendly place. Now there are so many people trying to bring you down. It's like the dumbing down of the human race. Fanboy is at least better then the term N00b. That really irritates me.
Skunkworks is awesome. Unfortunately, in the mid to late 90s, if an album by a metal act wasn't 100% metal it was called alternative or grunge.
It didn't help that he'd cut his hair, and loads of people (who you'd think, being metal fans, wouldn't give a shit about someone's haircut) automatically thought he'd gone all Seattle on them :)
Re: Ironcross's comment: The term 'fanboy' pre-dates the modern interweb though :) n00b is just a term used by internet bullies.