What is everyone doing on Thanksgiving?

I'm down in Boston, where my father and I are cooking a traditional feast for ourselves, my mother, nephew, sister and her fiancé. And to put up with them, we've got plenty of zinfandel stocked up.
Work a 5 hour (holiday-paying!!) shift, have my girlfriend over to meet the rest of my family she hasn't met, hang out all day/night with people.
Yeah, my gf makes the best enchiladas I've ever had. Her mom makes Tres Leches and tamales and whatever else...I love eating with them. Especially since I can keep my mouth full and avoid too much socializing.
Tres Leches that nasty soggy ass cake :puke:
i don't eat sweets much but that stuff is awful

Really!? I fucking love that shit. It's just cake with milk so it's already moist. YUM! Does your wife or her family make those little fruit stuffed sopapilla things. They're not sopapillas, but they're similar.