What is everyone doing on Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is tommorow and I want to know what you guys will do on thanksgiving.I am going to eat a shitload of food and watch some kickass football.:kickass:

Sounds like any other day in Randy Moss's life
Work a 5 hour (holiday-paying!! shift
See, this just illustrates my point. I'll be working a regular 10-12 hours shift. Yes, unfortunately the Jews have not strayed far from ther ways after the Exouds in Egypt.Still slaves in our homeland.:erk:

Well, this is not entirely true, I'm just somewhat of an overachiever. Then again, I'm not participating in the erection of the pyramids or doing any similar construction work, I'm a clerk at an insurance agency.
And here I thought that Jews would be content when making overtime cash!
handing out blankets filled with smallpox

aside from that, reading BECAUSE GRAD SCHOOL TAKES NO HOLIDAYS, and then going to my sister's boyfriend's mom's house where my sister and her friend are cooking for everybody. should be quite delicious. can't get too drunk though cuz I have work the next morning at 5am :bah:
will probably eat my thanksgiving meal at the DFAC in which the only day where officers and high ranking enlisted are in dress blues serving us, then hopefully wonder around Seoul bars and clubs and freeze my balls off
Girlfriends house for food.
My house for food.
My grandma Ice's house for food.

FUCK I hate thanksgiving food.
Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, all of it. blech.
First Thanksgiving dinner with family in about 4 years -- I've been living in Portland, and I'm back here in Michigan for a few months. Kinda nice.
Work a 5 hour (holiday-paying!!) shift, have my girlfriend over to meet the rest of my family she hasn't met, hang out all day/night with people.

5 hours? Lucky bastard. I got stuck with 9-to-6. Hoping to get off at 5. At least it's double time...

Other than that, big family dinner with relatives etc.